Organization of air basin monitoring according to the results of assessment of public health
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Kolomin V.V., Latyshevskaya N.I., Kudryasheva I.A., Eliseev Yu.Yu.
Organization: Astrakhan State Medical University, Saratov State Medical University, Volgograd State Medical University
The aim is to determine the possibility of organizing monitoring of the air basin according to interregional comparative assessment of the nature of the incidence of environmentally related pathologies. Material and Methods. A comparative analysis of the incidence in the Volga regions by pathologies, the occurrence and development of which correlates with indicators of air pollution. An assessment of the results of socio-hygienic monitoring of the quality of the air basin. Results. Differences in the intensity and nature of dynamic changes in the incidence of environmentally caused pathologies in the regions and their inconsistency with the air quality parameters defined in the framework of socio-hygienic monitoring are established. In the Volgograd region, there is a pronounced tendency to reduce the incidence of children with allergic rhinitis (r=-0.78; R2=61.6%), congenital anomalies (malformations) (r=-0.84; R2=71.3%) and dynamics stabilized incidence of pathologies of the endocrine system, in the Saratov region, the indicators of all these pathologies are stable in dynamics, and in the Astrakhan region their marked, significant growth is noted (allergic rhinitis r=+0.77; R2=58.7%, congenital anomalies r=+0.9; R2=81.8%, endocrine system diseases r=+0.93; R2=86.6%). Differences in the organization of air quality monitoring were revealed. In 2018, the concentration of 25 pollutants was monitored in the Volgograd Region (18,290 studies were conducted), in the Saratov Region — 20 pollutants (4,512 studies), in the Astrakhan Region —11 chemical compounds (1,704 studies). Conclusion. An interregional comparative assessment of the nature of the incidence of environmentally caused pathologies can be used to determine the potential air pollution by the corresponding chemical compounds and can serve as a basis for establishing priority pollutants to be controlled in a particular region.
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