Effectiveness of neurofeedback therapy for acute nonspecific vertebrogenic pain in individuals with an increased level of anxiety
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Bykovskiy P.V., Sherman M.A.
Organization: Kirov State Medical University
Objective: to determine the effectiveness of therapy for acute nonspecific vertebrogenic pain and anxiety, as related conditions, using a non-invasive method of biological feedback, in particular neurofeedback technique. Material and Methods. The study included 60 patients with nonspecific vertebrogenic pain in the acute phase and with easily increased anxiety. Patients were divided into two equal groups (30 people in each group) by random sampling depending on the treatment protocol. The neurofeedback technique and basic therapy was applied for patients of the main group while 30 patients of the control group had only basic therapy applied to them. The effectiveness of treatment was evaluated by reducing the assessment of pain on a Visual Analogue Score (VAS), by reducing the anxiety on a Simptom Chek List-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and to increase the alpha rhythm index. Results. In the main group, there was a greater regression of pain syndrome (p<0.05) and a significant increase in the power of alpha vibrations, recorded in the bioelectric activity of the brain. All investigated factors (anxiety level, severity of acute nonspecific pain and alpha rhythm index) are moderately related. Conclusion. It is advisable to use the non-invasive neuromodulating method of biological feedback (neurofeedback) to reduce anxiety and correct acute moderate vertebrogenic pain.
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