Hemostasiological and Theological parameters of blood in elderly and mature patients with ulcerative colitis
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Authors: Tyultyaeva L.A., Mikhailova Е.А., Lipatova Т.Е., Alipova L.N.
Organization: Regional Hospital for War Veterans, Saratov, Saratov State Medical University
Purpose: analysis of hemostasiological and rheological parameters of blood in elderly and mature patients with ulcerative colitis. Material and Methods. In 34 elderly patients and 32 mature patients with ulcerative colitis, we investigated the aggregation ability of platelet, antithrombogenic properties of the vascular wall, blood viscosity; erythrocyte aggregation index, erythrocyte aggregation index, erythrocyte deformability index, erythrocyte deformability index, and the efficiency of oxygen delivery to tissues were determined in comparison with similar indicators in healthy people. Results. In elderly patients with ulcerative colitis, as well as in patients of mature age, changes in the vascular-platelet link of the hemostatic system and blood rheology manifested by inhibition of anti-platelet activity of the vascular endo-thelium, changes in the functional activity of platelets and erythrocytes associated with the severity and activity of the process. Ulcerative colitis was accompanied by the development of the first (compensated) phase of the chronic form of DIC-syndrome. Conclusion. Elderly and mature patients with ulcerative colitis have disorders in the vascular-platelet link of hemostasis and blood rheology, manifested by inhibition of antithrombogenic activity of vascular endothelium, a change in platelet and red blood cell activity.
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