2019, volume 15
Comparative analysis of long noncoding RNA NEAT1, MALAT1, GAS5, RoR, HOTAIR in the blood of prostate cancer patients before and after radiotherapy
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Shulenina L.V., Mikhailov V.F., Neznanova M.V., Saleeva D.V., Zasukhina G.D.
Organization: State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, The Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of Russian Academy of Sciences
Purpose: to study the content of long non-coding RNA regulating the activity of the tumor suppressor P53 in the peripheral blood of prostate cancer patients negatively. Material and Methods. The object of study was venous blood of patients diagnosed with prostate cancer (from T1N0M0 to T3N0M0 stages), collected before and after the full course of radiotherapy. The content of long noncoding RNA NEAT1, MALAT1, GAS5, RoR, HOTAIR in the blood of cancer patients was determined using the real-time PCR method combined with reverse transcription and specific primers. The data are presented as the median and quartiles relative to the median of indicators of the control group healthy donors, conditionally taken as 1. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the non-parametric Mann — Whitney test. Results. An increase of the content of NEAT1, MALAT1, GAS5, HOTAIR in the blood of prostate cancer patients in comparison with the group donors was found. It was revealed that the course of radiotherapy did not affect the magnitude of the indicators we studied. Conclusion. Analysis of data and reference literature suggests that NEAT1, MALAT1 and HOTAIR levels in the blood of prostate cancer patients reflect their levels in tumor cells. NEAT1, MALAT1, GAS5 and HOTAIR can be potential markers for cancer diagnosis and treatment.
Application of cell technologies in thermal burn damage to skin (Practical experience in State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency of Russia)
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Samoilov A.S., Astrelina Т.А., Aksenenko A.V., Kobzeva I.V., Suchkova Yu.B., Nikitina V.A., Usupzhanova D.Yu., Brunchukov V.A., Brumberg V.A., Rastorgueva A.A., Makhova A.E., Karaseva T.V., Lomonosova Е.Е., Dobrovolskaya E.l., Udalov Yu.D.
Organization: Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases, State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Purpose: to present the results of the use of autologous regenerative cells of adipose tissue (AT) in treatment of patients with deep thermal burns. Material and Methods. The use of cellular technologies was carried out on 5 patients (4 men and 1 woman) aged 23-45 years, with deep thermal burns of III—IV degree of various etiology and localization, lesions from 1 % to 80%. Patients received conventional conservative therapy for burn wounds. After stabilization of the patient's general condition and positive dynamics of the local process in the wound during the planned surgical treatment of burn surfaces, the biological material of the AT was obtained. The volume of lipoaspirate AT was 195.0±74.2 ml. For clinical use of AT, the stromal-vascular fraction (SVF) of AT was obtained. The patients received intradermal injection of autologous SVF in the amount of 10 million to 50 million cells in a volume of 5 ml in 10-15 points around the damage to skin. Results. Upon examination (2.5 months after the point of introduction of SVF of AT), patients showed good cosmetic and functional results. The skin is soft, elastic, there are no rough hypertrophic and keloid scars, no contractures. Scars do not stand out. Movement in the joints is saved. Conclusion. The use of SVF AT in the early periods after injury contributed to activation of reparative processes in the dermis, which reduced the local inflammatory response, accelerated epithelialization, restoring skin elasticity with a decrease in the severity of fibrous scars and resulted in the lack of mobility in the joints.
Experimental study of the bioeffects of micropolarization current as a result of the use of metallic conductors in irradiating a rabbit's head with electromagnetic field of non-thermal intensity
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Lukyanova S.N., Fomina T.V., Veselovskiy I.A.
Organization: State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
The purpose of the study is to experimentally evaluate the impact of metal electrodes and wires on the brain bioelectric activity indicators as a result of rabbit head irradiation with electromagnetic field (EMF) of non-thermal intensity. Material and Methods. Studies conducted on rabbits. Electromagnetic field: 10 GHz, continuous mode, PPS 200 mW/cm2, created by the high-frequency signal generator G4-121 with repeated exposures with different durations. Results. The probability of the development of the effects of current micropolarization is shown when using metallic conductors, which changes the result of the EMF action. It depends on the number of electrodes and the location of wires relative to the field lines. Conclusion. We substantiated the possibility of the influence of metal electrodes on the bioelectrical activity of the brain by inducing a micropolar current under conditions of irradiation of the head with an electromagnetic field in the course of experiments on rabbits.
The new method for primary angle-closure glaucoma treatment: evolution of hypertensive efficacy in the long-term period
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Kurysheva N.I., Lepeshkina L.V., Abdullova A.R., Plieva Kh.M.
Organization: State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Purpose: to work out a new algorithm of primary angle closure glaucoma (PACG) treatment based on the two steps of treatment: peripheral laser iridotomy (PUT) and selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT)— and evaluate its hypotensive and functional effect over the long term period. Material and Methods. SLT hypotensive efficiency was evaluated on the sample of 70 eyes with the initial PACG after PI performed not earlier than one month before SLT and in 75 eyes with initial POAG. The quantities of hypotensive medication, necessary for decreasing IOP >20%, were also considered. Rate of progression (ROP) was assessed using MD index, RNFL and GCC thickness. The follow-up period was 6 years. Results. IOP decreased significantly after SLT in both groups over the long-term period. Hypotensive effect was more pronounced in PACG — 38.5% compared to POAG — 28%. After 6 years, less hypotensive eye drops were required for achieving the hypotensive efficacy in PACG than in POAG (p=0.035). There was no significant difference in ROP between PACG and POAG (p=0.461). Conclusion. The developed method of consequent laser treatment of PACG leads to effective IOP reduction and preserves glaucoma progression that does not differ from POAG.
Stem hemorrhagic stroke: treatment approaches and opportunities for rehabilitation
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Case report
Authors: Karpova O.V., Udalov Yu.D., Radionova D.M.
Organization: State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Nowadays alongside with high mortality, cerebral circulation disorders are the leading cause of disability in adults, causing up to 80% of partial and up to 10% of total disability among treated patients. The use of modern breakthroughs high-tech hematoma treatment methods along with traditional methods of treatment and early individual rehabilitation complex treatment can improve the outcomes for patients with deep-seated hematomas, reducing mortality by two or more times. We have carried out monitoring of the patient with the development of stem stroke accompanied by long-term untreated arterial hypertension. With the help of drug therapy and rehabilitation measures developed under the individual program, the patient's self-service skills and ability to work have been fully recovered.
Use of the tricolor FISH-painting method of chromosomes for the analysis of radiation-induced chromosomal aberrations: a pilot study
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Dobrovolskaya E.l., Nugis V.Yu., Snigiryova G.P., Kozlova M.G., Nikitina V.A.
Organization: Russian Scientific Center of Roentgenoradiology , State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Purpose: to compare the frequency of radiation-induced translocations detected by three-color FISH-method using different sets of DNA probes. Material and Methods. The material for the cytogenetic study was venous blood of one healthy male donor subjected to in vitro gamma-radiation in doses of 0.1-3.0 Gy Cultivation of lymphocytes and preparation of chromosome specimens were carried out using variants of standard techniques. Chromosomes were stained separately with three-color DNA probes: for 1, 4 and 12 pairs and for 2, 3 and 8 pairs. Results. The increase of dose produced frequency of translocations growth when using both sets of DNA probes. When using any of them, the frequencies of FISH-registered translocations in all cells (stable and unstable) did not differ significantly from the same value only in stable cells. A comparison ofthetranslocation frequencies detected using DNA probes of different species also showed absence of statistically significant differences in both all and stable cells. Conclusion. The use of two selected sets of DNA probes demonstrated absence of significant differences between them in the observed frequencies of radiation-induced chromosome translocations.
Determining the relationship of changes in infrared thermography data and morphometric parameters of the microvasculature of laboratory rats skin
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Datsenko A.V.
Organization: State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Purpose: determination of quantitative morphological and functional relationships between changes in the morphometric parameters of the microvasculature and indicators of remote infrared thermography of the tail skin of laboratory rats. Material and Methods. Using infrared thermography, the skin surface temperature was measured at the base of the tail of 32 rats and material was taken to prepare histological preparations of the same skin areas. A morphometric study determined the diameter of the microvessels of the superficial and deeper layers of the dermis. Results. Changes in morphological and functional indicators were characterized by correlation bonds of medium strength. A 10% decrease in the lumen of functioning microvessels was accompanied by a 0.3 °C decrease in skin surface temperature. The decrease in temperature indicators to -2 °C was due to a decrease in blood flow during microvascular dilatation to 60% with signs of congestive congestion and stasis. An increase in skin surface temperature by 0.6 °C was accompanied by an increase in peripheral blood flow in the form of an expansion of the microvessel lumen by 5-10%. With an increase in skin surface temperature by 2.4 °C, there was an almost twofold increase in the diameter of microvessels. Conclusion. Infrared thermography data can be used as a criterion for diagnostic and prognostic assessment of the status and severity of changes in cutaneous peripheral blood flow in laboratory rats.
Analysis of foreign practices for the safe management regulation of waste containing very low active manmade radionuclides (review)
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Review
Authors: Barchukov V.G., Kochetkov О.А., Kuznetsova L.I., Maksimov A.A.
Organization: State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Today, wastes that have specific activities lower than those assigned to solid radioactive waste, but higher than levels permitted for unrestricted use are enclosed in a legal vacuum. This fact necessitates searching for legislative and regulatory solutions. In order to find the most acceptable solution, this review examines the practice of solving similar problems in countries with developed nuclear energy. Recommendations of international organizations on the development of a safe management system of such waste are reviewed as well. Based on the information presented in this review, the allocation of this waste category including the establishment of legislative and regulatory requirements for its safe management seems the most logical and taking into account the current practice of waste management in Russia.
Strategy and tactics for cervical dystonia rehabilitation
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Anikina M.A., Bril Е.V., Zimnyakova O.S., Abbasov F.A.
Organization: State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Rehabilitation of patients with cervical dystonia is not limited to muscle relaxation, but includes comprehensive measures to correct motor and non-motor symptoms to achieve higher level of social adaptation. The article discusses the most effective rehabilitation techniques from the point of view of pathogenesis of dystonia, and highlights the problems related to the use of rehabilitation programs from the point of view of real clinical practice.
EEG indicators of the central nervous system in individuals with different levels of psychophysiological adaptation
Heading: Brief Reviews Article type: Short message
Authors: Torubarov F.S., Zvereva Z.F., Lukyanova S.N.
Organization: State Research Center— Burnasyan Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
The purpose of the study is to assess functional activity of the brain, individual structural and functional formations of the central nervous system at different levels of psychophysiological adaptation (PFA) and to identify their contribution to the formation of low PFA level. Material and Methods. Using psychological and visual-motor tests, methods of heart rate variability, functional state of structural and functional formations of the central nervous system: "cortex", "cortical-subcortical interaction", "central regulation of the cardiovascular system" was evaluated; the integral PFA level was determined using the evaluation results. EEG was used to evaluate brain functional activity and the listed CNS formations. Results. As the level of PFA in the EEG decreased, indicators regarded as the anomalous ones increased: type IV EEG; unstable EEG dynamics; high index of (31 activity; flashes of bilateral synchronous waves. The maximum number of abnormal EEG parameters was revealed at low FS of structural and functional formation "central regulation of the cardiovascular system" in persons with low PFA level. Conclusion. Identification of the maximum number of abnormal EEG indicators at low FS of structural and functional formation of the central nervous system "central regulation of the cardiovascular system" in persons with low PFA level testified to its main contribution to the formation of a low integral level of PFA.