The effeciency of combined laser therapy in complex treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Short message
Authors: Moskvin S.V., Utz S.R., Schneider D.A., Guskova O.P.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, The Governmental research center for laser therapy, FMBA of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Objective: to access the effectiveness of treatment methods in patients with atopic dermatitis, including every alternate day intravenous blood exposure of a low-intensity laser (LIL) with a wavelength of 365 nm (LUFOK) and 525 nm (green spectrum). Materials and methods. We observed 37 patients with atopic dermatitis (10 females and 27 males) with age ranging from 18 to 56 years (mean age 36.2) with duration of disease ranging from 17 to 54 years. In the main group in the complex therapeutic measures has been included traditional method of laser therapy with Laser therapeutic apparatus "Lazmik-VLOK" (registration certificate number RZN 2014/1410 of 02.06.2014) laser emitting heads VLOK CL-365-2 (for LUFOK) and CL-525-2 VLOK intravenous blood laser flash coverage. For VLOK we used disposable sterile radiation emitters KIVL-01 TU 9444-005-72085060-2008 Production Research Centre "Matrix" (Moscow, Russia). Results. It is shown that the combined intravenous laser LLLT treatment of blood with a wavelength of 365 nm (or 365-VLOK LUFOK) and LLLT with a wavelength of 525 nm (green spectrum VLOK-525) through 10 sessions per day in treatment of patients with atopic dermatitis allows you to get full regression of acute inflamatory symptoms of the disease like — erythema, papules, scaling, excoriations in 87.5% of patients with moderate-severe course of the disease (average index SCORAD 57,5±4,0) and reduce 3.4 times the average index SCORAD (up 21,3±4,0) in patients with severe disease course (original value 72,8±3,0) with an overall positive trend. Conclusion. The use of combined methods of physiotherapy in atopic dermatitis is justified and effective.
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