Comparative clinical laboratory evaluation of leflunomide and narrow-band medium wave ultraviolet therapy for psoriasis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Short message
Authors: Nikolashina О.Е.
Organization: Penza Regional Clinical Center of specialized types of medical care
Objective: to compare the clinical and laboratory evaluation of the efficacy of leflunomide and narrow-band medium wave UV therapy in patients with psoriasis. Material and methods. 60 patients with psoriasis. The patients were divided into 2 groups depending on the treatment. Patients of group 1 (30 patients) administered narrowband medium wave UV therapy — 20 procedures. Group 2 patients (30 persons) received leflunomide in combination with narrow-band medium wave UV-therapy. To evaluate the effectiveness of therapy studied cytokine profile. Results. Patients treated with leflunomide combined with phototherapy, marked a significant shift of the studied parameters and clearer resolution of lesions on the skin. Conclusion. The use of leflunomide in patients with psoriasis in combination with narrow-band medium wave UV therapy promotes a more definite resolution of psoriatic lesions on the skin and a significant improvement in quality of life, as well as the normalization of peripheral blood cytokine profile.
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