Sclerotic disease, integrative diagnosis, chronic forms and treatment of diseases
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Review
Authors: Kats Ya.A., Parkhoniuk E.V., Skriptsova S.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The aim of the article is to determine the importance of an integrative approach to identify and analyze the phases or stages of the example of chronic sclerotic disease (CSD). The proposed concept of CSD is to use the diagnostic methods before sclerotic period, based on an analysis of indicators of intensity of the functional systems responsible for collagen formation and collagen lysis taking into account the potential of genetically caused features of sclerosis. Thus, special attention is paid to pre-disease stage including the history and molecular genetic studies which predict the nature of the possible diseases and determine the risk of formation of CSD. The proposed methodology and techniques, as well as obtained with their help data define the possibility of risk groups identification, the direction and volume of the survey.
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