Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

№2, 2011, volume 7

Quality of life of patients with upper extremity fractures

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 510-512
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Short message
Authors: Sholomova E.I., Levchenko К.К., Arutunyan T.R., Ninel V.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics

90 patients with upper extremity fractures took part in the study. The injured patients were treated with rod and pin-and-rod type external fixation devices and by means of external immobilization. It was demonstrated that quality of life to the moment of device removal was 8-9 points higher in patients treated with pin type external fixation in comparison with pin-and-rod type. Quality of life was higher in patients with proximal upper extremity injuries

Keywords: pit-fissure sealant, pin-and-rod type external fixation devices, external immobilization

Differentiated method of physiotherapy for patients with congenital hip dislocation in postoperative rehabilitation period

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 505-510
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: Pozdniakova О.N., Kiselev D.A, Laisheva О.A., Gubanov V.V.
Organization: Russian State Medical University

The aim of the research was to develop a new rehabilitation method for patients with congenital dislocation of hip in the late postoperative period. It is based on anatomical, physiological, pathogenetic, functional and ontogenetic foundations and prevents coxarthrosis development and progress. Materials. The data from examination and treatment of 71 patients are presented. The main group consisted of 48 children and the comparison group consisted of 23 children. Methods. Data processing was made by «Statistica 6,0» programme. Normalcy of distribution was estimated by the Shapiro-Wilktest. Hypothesis proof of two means equality was provided by the Wilcoxon signed-ranktest. Correlation analysis was made by definition of the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Spearman»s rank correlation coefficient. Rate difference was considered as a reliable rate if p

Keywords: rehabilitation, postoperative period, method, congenital hip dislocation, children

Theoretical and practical contribution of SarNIITO researchers to transosseous osteosynthesis technique (Review)

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 502-505
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Review
Authors: Barabash А.P.
Organization: Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics

The article deals with the history of transosseous osteosynthesis introduction in SarNIITO clinics. The contribution of doctors and scientists to development of this technique is reproduced in the chronological order. Prospects and place of hardware-based technique of treatment of injuries and diseases of musculoskeletal system are contemplated

Keywords: transosseous osteosynthesis

Assessment of smoking prevalence and status among students of senior courses of medico-prophylactic and therapeutic faculties of Samara State Medical University

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 497-501
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Mokina N.A., Averina О.М.
Organization: Samara State Medical University

The article provides data on prevalence and smoking status assessment among students of senior courses of medical university, the purpose of the study was to evaluate smoking prevalence and status in students of medical university in order to develop recommendations on healthy life style promotion. 58 senior students, 18 men and 40 women, were under study. Screening survey, spirometry, Fagerstrem test, questionnaires on motivation to stop smoking and test to reveal chronic bronchitis were held. Smoking was highly spread among the students of therapeutic faculty. The longest period of smoking was detected among male students of medico-prophylactic, and the highest intensity was revealed among female students of therapeutic faculty. Nicotine addiction in all groups was described as «very weak» and the highest degree was marked among men of medico-prophylactic faculty in particularly. Unwillingness of students (lack of motivation) to stop smoking was determined

Keywords: smoking status, smoking prevalence, motivation, chronic bronchitis, addiction

Impact of interspousal violence and maternal deprivation on a child's mental health: a case report

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 494-497
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Onyriuka A.N.
Organization: Nigeria, University of Benin Teaching Hospital

This paper presents a case of an emotionally deprived child with some evidence of child neglect resulting from husband-wife violence and subsequent separation of parents. It also further confirms the long recognized fact that the most successful treatment of growth failure and weight loss due to psychosocial deprivation is restoration of a normal social environment. In particular, it highlights the need for a high index of suspicion and awareness on the part of medical personnel with regard to emotional disorders in children

Keywords: maternal deprivation, intimate partner violence, interspousal violence, chilcd's mental health

Social and professional status of nurses in a context of innovative reforms in nursing practice

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 491-494
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Andrijanova Е.А., Aleshkina О.Yu., Zasypkina Е.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The article states the results of sociological research of basic medical and social factors that influence the formation of social and professional status of nurses in a context of innovative reforms in nursing practice

Keywords: social and professional status, nurse, innovation

Optimization of complex treatment of aggressive peri-odontitis using immunocorrecting therapy

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 485-490
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Vedyaeva A.P., Bulkina N.V., Smirnov D.A., Zakharova N.B.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Application of immunomodulatorGepon in treatment of aggressive periodontitis provides the normalization of cyto-kine balance of periodontal pockets exudate by raising the level of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1(3, IL-8, IFN-y) and osteoprotegerin, indirectly confirming the improvement of bones of alveolar processes of jaws, as well as by significant decrease in the concentration of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-4, IL-10) and transforming growth factor (3. Gepon application improves the efficiency of preoperative period, accelerates postoperative rehabilitation of patients and helps achieve remission period up to 6 months in 71 % of cases, which is in 28% higher than in patients receiving traditional treatment

Keywords: immunocorrecting therapy, Gepon, aggressive periodontitis

Clinical and laboratory substantiation of Mexidol use in complex treatment of periodontitis in patients with peptic ulcers

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 481-485
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Ostrovskaya L.U., Kobzeva U.A., Kharish N.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

To determine the clinical pathogenetic efficacy of Mexidol in the combined therapy of parodontitis in patients with peptic ulcers medical examination and treatment of 296 patients were carried out. Endoscopic, histological and im-munohistochemical studies were performed in all examined patients. Investigation of interleukin -6, -10, -18 in oral cavity by immunofermental analysis was conducted. It was established that Mexidol use in the combined treatment of patients with periodontitis and peptic ulcer allowed to decrease evidence of local inflammation, to normalize processes of neurohumoral and cytokine regulation, that provided acceleration of recovery processes, decrease in periodontitis recurrences. The statistical programs Exsel и Statistica 6.0 were used in the study. The subsequent analysis of the received data was carried out

Keywords: periodontitis, peptic ulcer, mexidol

Evaluation of clinical efficacy of immunocorrection therapy for curing oral cavity candidosis

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 477-481
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Bulkina N.V., Panchenko A.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The research goal is to increase the efficacy of oral cavity candidosis treatment. 97 patients with oral cavity can-didosis have been examined and treated. Diagnostics of germ culture, microscopical investigation of smear of oral mucosa and the sensitivity determination of causal agents to antifungal drugs have been performed. In order to assess immunological status of patients the concentration of immunoglobulins in their saliva has been determined. In order to find out specific antibodies for yeast-like fungi immune-enzyme blood analysis has been used. All the patients have received complex treatment. The control group has been administered immunomodulator «Gepon» for application to oral mucosa. 64.8% of patients with chronic oral cavity candidosis have had low concentration of immunoglobulin G in their blood serum. The concentration of immunoglobulins IgA, IgG and IgM in oral fluid has been lower than normal. The treatment efficiency has been considered as a way of recovery of local immunological status. Local administration of «Gepon» has been proved to increase the treatment quality and remission period

Keywords: treatment, immunity, candidosis

Modern methods of monitoring of phonetic adaptation of patients to orthopedic constructions of dentures

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 474-477
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Bizyaev A.A., Konnov V.V., Lepilin А.V., Maslennikov D.N., Bizyaeva N.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Moscow City Pedagogical University

The research goal is to use computer programs of sound analyzers to check phonetic adaptation of patients to fixed constructions of dentures. Research material included spectrograms and sonograms received from patients before orthopedic treatment. The further analysis was spent on the computer by means of specialized programs of sound analyzers Steinberg Wavelab V5.01b and Algorithmix renovator 2.1. Acoustic analysis of spectrograms and sonograms spent by means of computer technologies helps stomatologists and orthopedists with planning and carrying out of orthopedic treatment, and to avoid occurrence of possible complications. It considerably improves orthopedic treatment of defects of the upper tooth row in the front department

Keywords: spectrography, sonography, fixed constructions of tooth artificial limbs, computer programs of sound analyzers, acoustic analysis