Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

№2, 2011, volume 7

System of complex neurorehabilitation of newborns with cerebral pathology// Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 470-473
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Panina O.S., Chernenkov Yu.V., Tikhaya N.S. Raygorodsky Yu.M.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov City Childrens Hospital № 4, LLC «TRIMA»

Perinatal CNS damage is one of most actual problem of neonatology and its rate in structure of children invalidity is 60%. The purpose was to learn clinical efficiency of a course transcranial magnet therapy in complex with preparation Pantogam in rehabilitation of children with perinatal CNS damage. Materials. Clinical and neurophysiological studies were performed in 60 newborn children from 10 to 28 day of life. Results. The study showed that results of combined treatment (traveling impulse magnet field + Pantogam) was significantly (1,5 times) higher that efficacy of routine treatment only

Keywords: transcranial magnetotherapy, rehabilitation, perinatal CNS damage

Mammary glands diseases in adolescent girls (review)

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 465-470
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Review
Authors: Gumenyuk O.I., Chernenkov Yu.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The research work provides current data about prevalence of dysmorphia and mammary glands diseases in adolescent girls

Keywords: mastophathy, mammary glands, dysmorphia of mammary glands, breast cancer, adolescent girls

Interrelation of cytokine profile and cytolysis in children with chronic virus hepatitis В

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 461-465
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Keltsev V.A., Churbakova О.V.
Organization: Samara State Medical University

Chronic hepatites for today remain the important problem with children among children»s infections not only in our country, but also all over the world. In clause the immune factors influencing on патогенез of a chronic virus hepatites В at children are considered. The purpose of our job was studying interrelation cytolysis and a structure of cytokines at children sick of a chronic virus hepatites В Century. Material, methods. We have carried out research a structure of cytokines at 87 children with CVH В in the age of from 7 months till 18 years. Clinical supervision and researches with application general-clinical, biochemical, tool, immunological the methods have been spent, allowing to receive the fullest and objective information on the observable children sick CVH. Results. If to compare parameters cytokines in replicative and integration phases at a chronic virus hepatites В at children it is necessary to note, that in replica-tive a phase the basic parameters are aggravated. The conclusion. It speaks that in replicative phase CVH disease more hard proceeds. The deviation of level FNO-a, IL-1, IL-10 cytokines in whey of blood of patients with CVH В from normal parameters is the indicator of gravity of inflammatory process

Keywords: replicative phase, integration phase, cytolysis, cytokines, chronic virus hepatites, C-reactive protein

The analysis of a case rate a skin melanoma in the Samara region for 1999-2009

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 457-460
Heading: Oncology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kozlov S.V., Neretin E.J.
Organization: Samara State Medical University

In article one of oncology problems — a skin melanoma is surveyed. The theme urgency proves to be true that annually the case rate of patients with an oncologic pathology is constantly enlarged. One of oncology problems still has a skin melanoma. The work purpose is studying of a case rate by a skin melanoma in large industrial area on an example of the Samara region over the last 10 years. In article one of oncology problems — a skin melanoma is surveyed. For the task in view decision following materials and methods were used: primary registration documentation for 11 years (1999-2009) About for the first time taped disease a skin melanoma, annual reports of the Samara regional clinical oncologic dispensary, annual statistical reports of the State statistical committee, bureau MSE annual reports. At processing and the forecast of results of research following statistical methods — an extrapolation method, model of linear regress were used. Reliability of the taped pattern of dynamics was defined by means of an error of regress with the subsequent definition t and p. The received results testify to growth of a case rate of all population of the Samara region at the expense of the senior age groups. According to the analysis the invalid population is more often is ill. Conclusions are drawn on appreciable influence on occurrence of this pathology occurring in an organism involutes processes, necessity of carrying out of sanitary-educational work, carrying out of additional profound inspection among the population with high level of a case rate

Keywords: Samara region, oncology, melanoma leather, disease

Medical and social aspects of rehabilitation of patients with borderline mental disorders

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 453-456
Heading: Neurology Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Karelina D.D., Krom I.L, Barylnik Yu.B.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Institute of Social Education, Head of Centre of Medical and Social Research

This article deals with the factors influencing the process of medico-social rehabilitation of patients with borderline mental disorders in modern society. Approaches to rehabilitation of population mental health are also considered. The results of the research of medico-social aspects of patients with the borderline mental disorders rehabilitation, directed on correction of life quality indicators which size is defined by infringements of mental condition and socialization of patients are described. The research proves that priority directions of medico-social rehabilitation at the given category of patients are defined by pathological changes in psychological sphere, social relations and environment

Keywords: rehabilitation, psychic health, borderline mental disorders

Medical and social aspects of rehabilitation of patients with borderline mental disorders

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 453-456
Heading: Neurology Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Karelina D.D., Krom I.L, Barylnik Yu.B.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Institute of Social Education, Head of Centre of Medical and Social Research

This article deals with the factors influencing the process of medico-social rehabilitation of patients with borderline mental disorders in modern society. Approaches to rehabilitation of population mental health are also considered. The results of the research of medico-social aspects of patients with the borderline mental disorders rehabilitation, directed on correction of life quality indicators which size is defined by infringements of mental condition and socialization of patients are described. The research proves that priority directions of medico-social rehabilitation at the given category of patients are defined by pathological changes in psychological sphere, social relations and environment

Keywords: rehabilitation, psychic health, borderline mental disorders

Anxiety level in patients with fractures of extremities. Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 450-453
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Barylnik Yu.B., Ornatskaya N.A., Sholomova E.I., Arutyunyan T.R.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Estimation of situational and personal anxiety levels has been done by Spielberger»s Stait-Trait Anxiety Inventory. Data were collected from 30 patients with fractures of extremities who were under treatment in the department of trau-matology during the first three days after the moment of trauma. These levels were compared to those of 24 people of random age and sex. Comparison results state that high level of anxiety has been observed for the majority of patients with trauma regardless of fracture localization, pain syndrome level and degree of functional disability

Keywords: situational anxiety, S-100 protein, personal anxiety, fractures of extremities, facial part

Evaluation of risk factors of infantile cerebral paralysis development in disabled children

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 446-450
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Alekseeva G.Yu., Sholomov I.I.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Research object: to detect the influence of qualitative and quantitative factors involved into ICP formation. Material: the research is based on the clinical observation, instrumental diagnostics and 147 disabled children with ICP aged under 4 rehabilitation campaign results analysis. Comparison group was composed from 39 children of similar age who were registered for observation by pediatric polyclinics neurologists and were rehabilitated. Results: 2 algorithms formed as decision trees, that were built using multivariate analysis methods were suggested and can be used in pediatric polyclinics for children with ICP formation threatening detection. Conclusion: the ICP formation can be forecasted in 93% of cases wrt prematurely born children with convulsive and hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndromes in aggregate with periventricular leukomalacia

Keywords: risk factors, infantile cerebral paralysis (ICP), disability

Role of sensitive test-cultures in manifestation of antagonism by human symbiotic bacteria

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 441-445
Heading: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Article type: Original article
Authors: Semenov А.V.
Organization: Orenburg Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis

Aim. The study considers the influence of sensitive test-cultures on antagonistic activity and production antimicrobial factors by indigenous and probiotic microorganisms. Material. The original method has been used. It is based on determination of survival of sensitive test-culture under the action of cultural liquids of antagonist processed by metabolites and peptidoglycan of sensitive culture. Resalts. The important role of sensitive test-culture in manifestation of the antagonism active microorganisms has been proved. Received data have proved that antagonistic bacterial activity is a result of cross-species interaction between active and sensitive cultures. The effectors are antimicrobial factors and their regulators. The ability of bacterial peptidoglycan to regulate the cross-species interaction between prokaryotes has been firstly shown. Conclusion. The article concludes that the investigation has revealed new mechanisms of colonization resistance of biotope. It has opened prospects of development of principal new probiotic, prebiotic, sinbiotic, biologically active additive and functional products on the basis of microbial stimulators of bacterial antagonism

Keywords: prebiotic, peptidoglycan, cross-species, associative microorganisms, antagonism

Possibility of laboratory predictors use in assessment of aseptic instability progression in total hip replacement

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №2 Pages: 437-441
Heading: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Article type: Original article
Authors: Karyakina Е.V., Persova Е.А., Gladkova Е.V.
Organization: Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics

The research work presents the results concerning opportunities assessment in prediction of total hip replacement in patients with coxarthrosis. It is done according to the level of biochemical markers of resorption and bone formation, determined in the blood serum by the method of solid-phase immune analysis. On the basis of monitoring of clinical and laboratory data of 50 patients and examination of 30 practically healthy persons biochemical predictors of endo-prosthesis aseptic instability in total hip replacement have been determined

Keywords: laboratory predictors of endoprosthesis aseptic instability, coxarthrosis, biochemical markers of resorption and bone formation