№2, 2009, volume 5
Anniversary and memorials
Heading: History of Medicine. Anniversary Dates Article type: Short message
Authors: editorial board
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Ninetieth Anniversary of Parkinson’s Disease «Substantia Nigra» Theory
Heading: History of Medicine. Anniversary Dates Article type: Review
Authors: V.V. Yudina, N.S. Makarov, G.K. Yudina, L.A. Kabanova, O.N. Voskresenskaya
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Article is devoted to the Ninetieth Anniversary of Creation of the «substantia nigra» theory of Parkinson’s disease by famous Saratov scientist K. N. Tretjakov.
Professor E.A. Tatarinov Contribution to the Development of Pathological Physiology
Heading: History of Medicine. Anniversary Dates Article type: Review
Authors: V.V. Morrison
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Biographic facts about Professor E.A.Tatarinov are presented in the article. These data give close attention to his contribution to the development of Department of Pathological Physiology at Saratov State Medical University.
First University Therapeutical Department and Stages of It’s Scientific Schools Development
Heading: History of Medicine. Anniversary Dates Article type: Original article
Authors: L.S. Yudanova, A.P. Rebrov
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article represents the history of the first University Therapeutical Department, that was organized in September 1911, stages of it’s development and scientific schools foundation.
New Forms of Students’ Self-Work at Clinical Department in the Context of New Educational Standards
Heading: Pedagogics and Education Article type: Short message
Authors: A.A. Svistunov, Yu.V. Chernenkov, A.A. Protopopov, Yu.G. Shapkin
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
In this article the authors demonstrate the results of use the contemporary forms of students’ self-work organization.
Molecular, Subcellular and Cellular Pathogenesis Mechanisms of Tuberculous Pneumonia
Heading: Phthisiology Article type: Review
Authors: V.V. Yerokhin
Organization: Saratov Central Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis
Pathogenesis mechanisms of tuberculosis have been considered. It is shown, that important place in pulmonary tuberculosis therapy should belong to the means of pathogenetic therapy directed to the improvement of pulmonary circulation and living conditions of cells of lung parenchyma, restoration of local tissue immunity, including macrophage system and other defensive mechanisms, synthesis and secretion stimulation of surfactant, and use of surfactant medications.
A Clinical Course of The Varicose Disease of Patients With Different Grades of Connective Tissue Dysplasia Intensity
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: А.А. Svistunov, О.А. Tsarev, G.N. Maslyakova, Yu.V. Mashchenko
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
To study the variants of the clinical course of varicose disease of patients with different grades of connective tissue dysplasia intensity. The results of the examination and treatment of 280 patients with various forms of varicose disease have been studied. The degree (grade) of connective tissue dysplasia intensity has been estimated. The values characterizing flow and coagulation properties of blood, functional activity of thrombocytes have been studied. Morphological, histological, histochemical check studies of extirpated varicose modified veins of patients with various grades of connective tissue dysplasia intensity have been held. The conducted check studies have shown that lower limbs varicose disease of patients with evident connective tissue dysplasia is characterized by early evidence of clinical signs, rapid advance of the disease, widely spread damage of veins and complicated course caused by the weakness of the connective-tissular carcass of a vein wall as well as by evident disorders of flow and coagulation properties of blood. Patients with varicose disease secondary to the evident (expressed) connective tissue dysplasia are in the risk group of palindromia, thrombus complications and trophesies development, need dispensary observation for proper treatment in good time.
Morphometrical Substantiation of Surgical Method Choice of Damage Correction of Chest Department of Spinal Column
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: E.A. Anisimova, V.N. Nikolenko, V.V. Ostrovskiy, A.I. Toma
Organization: Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, Saratov State Medical University
The purpose is to reveal patterns of variability of thoracic vertebrae size characteristics for adequate selection of standard sizes and orientation of corrective hardware introduction. Materials include preparations of vertebrae of 60 skeletons from the collection of Department of Human Anatomy, Saratov State Medical University and 110 computer tomograms in adults without visible backbone pathology, 200 computer tomograms of backbone traumas from archives at Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. The analysis of results of surgical treatment of 288 patients with backbone damages have been carried out from 1995 till 2008. Since 2003 preoperative planning at 160 patients has been done taking into account anatomo-topographic vertebrae sizes. Optimum selection of ventral designs has been carried out taking into account the sizes of vertebral bodies (front, back, lateral heights, sagittal and frontal diameters of vertebral bodies). It is necessary to consider the sizes of back structures (thickness and height of arches, pediculo-regional length, height, width, corners of convergence and inclination of pedicles of vertebrae).
Functional Muscular Condition Dynamics at Osteoarthrosis Conservative Treatment of Major Joints of Lower Extremities
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: N.V. Sazonova, М.S. Sayfutdinov
Organization: Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center «Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics»
The method of global electromyography has been used for the evaluation of 231 patients aged from 16 to 74 (43,7±0,8) with bilateral osteoarthrosis of major joints of lower extremities I-III degrees before the course of conservative treatment, immediately after the end of conservative treatment and in three months. Conservative treatment of patients with osteoarthrosis of major joints of lower extremities has been shown to cause restructuring of EMG patterns of maximal voluntary muscle contraction in lower extremities accompanied by decreased asymmetry of activity levels in muscle pairs and less observations of pathologically changed EMG that results in improved functional condition of the locomotor system.
Using of Tendinous Plasty in Treatment of Patients with Flexor Tendons of 2–5 Fingers Injury in “Critical” Zone
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: O.V. Beidik, M.A. Shcerbakov, A.V. Zaretskov, K.K. Levchenko, S.I. Kireev
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Injury of both superficial and deep tendons of fingers flexors needs to carry out tendinous plasty with excision of distal part of superficial flexor muscle tendon. Use of length measuring method for tendinous transplant allows us to avoid the flexion contracture in future and appearance of functional insufficiency of flexion during postoperative period and rehabilitation of patient.