№2, 2009, volume 5
Central Nervous System Functional Condition In Interns With Different Progress Levels At Military Medical Institution Of Higher Education
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: D.A. Timofeev, N.V. Nechaev, N.A. Bochkarjova
Organization: Saratov Military Medical Institute
The characteristics of CNS functional condition and cognitive functions of interns with different progress levels at Military Medical School have been analyzed. According to the research results, the rate of excitement, noiseroof feature, functional mobility of nervous processes, development of verbal and logical thinking, verbal and operative memory as well as distribution and shifting of attention are the most important suppositions for successful military-professional training.
Endothelial Regulation of Vascular Tone at Both Clinically Healthy Men and Patients with Arterial Hypertension Depending on Personal Psychophysiological Types
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: V.F. Kirichuk, E.S. Olenko, A.N. Kodochigova, S.V. Sachkov, V.G. Subbotina, T.M. Dyomina, T.A. Kolopkova, M.G. Kucherov
Organization: Saint-Petersburg State Psychoneurological University, Saratov City Clinical Hospital № 10, Saratov State Medical University
The research purpose is to analyze endothelial regulation of vascular tone at both clinically healthy persons and patients, suffering from the firstly revealed arterial hypertension at youth men depending on personal psychophysiological types. It is shown, that at 23,3% of clinically healthy men and at 89,3% patients, suffering from arterial hypertension without clinical manifestations of atherosclerosis the dependence of vascular tone endothelial regulation on personal psychophysiological type is revealed.
Electromagnetic Radiation Influence With Molecular Spectrum Absorption and Nitric Oxide Radiation Frequency on Superoxide Dismutase Bacteria Activity
Heading: Microbiology Article type: Original article
Authors: E.A. Pronina, G.M. Shub, I.G. Shvidenko
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The dynamics of superoxide dismutase activity level under the influence of electromagnetic radiation with spectrum absorption and nitric oxide radiation frequency in Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa has been described.
The panoramic spectrometric measuring complex, developed in Saratov Central Scientific Research Institute of Measuring Equipment Public Corporation has been used while carrying out the research. Electromagnetic vibrations of extremely high frequencies stimulated in this complex imitate the structure of molecular spectrum absorption and nitric oxide radiation. The activity of superoxide dismutase has been detected. The most significant changes have been observed under 45 and 60-minute exposition.
Age-Specific and Sexual Variability of Morphological and Biomechanical Parameters of the Basilar Artery of Adult People
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: O.A. Fomkina, V.N. Nicolenko
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
For the purpose of studying of morphological and biomechanical parameters of the basilar artery in an experiment on monoaxonic distension by tensile-testing machine Tira Test 28005 (Germany) with a loading cell — 100 N we determined general solidity, breaking point, maximum and relative deformation of the artery. Preliminary under a microscope on cross-section cuts we measured the external diameter of the artery, its wall thickness and calculated the diameter of the lumen. In total, 114 basilar arteries (66 — from corpses of men, 48 — from corpses of women) have been investigated. They were received not later than 16 hours after autopsy of adult people, whose cause of death has not been connected with a sharp vascular cerebral pathology. The statistically authentic prevalence of the size of wall thickness and general solidity of the men’s artery wall was revealed. In age aspect the external diameter, the lumen diameter and the wall thickness of the basilar artery increase. At the same time the solidity of the wall decreases and its ability to prolongation increases.
Structure Of Muscular Parts of Interventricular Septum of the Heart Human Fetal
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: A.A. Yakimov
Organization: Uralsk State Medical Academy
Interventricular septum (IS) has been studied in ordinary formed human fetal hearts (20–28 weeks) by means of the anatomo-metrical method. VS breadth appears to be less than its length, but is more than the breadth of the medial walls of both ventricles. The outlet length surpasses the inlet one more on the right than on the left septal side. On transversal sections the angle between IS departments is 122 — 139°. The angle degree increases from the basis to the apex of the heart. The angle between the longest axes of the right surface divisions is 38 — 42°. The length proportions of the IS departments become constant to the middle fetal period. The sinus part of the IS is square or multiangular (often four- or five-angular) and along the bloodstream. The development of the sinus part is coordinated with formation of the inlet trabecular part. The conal part is the smallest one. The conal development in the middle fetal period has not been completed yet. Size proportions of the IS parts and departments seem to be much the same in the normal fetal and newborn hearts.
Hepatic Vessels Condition in Experimental Pulmonary Trunk Stenosis With Different Level of Blood Circulation Compensation
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: S.V. Kulikov
Organization: Yaroslavl State Medical Academy
Hepatic changes have been studied in 25 pupies with modeled stenosis with compensation and 8 animals with decompensated stenosis of pulmonary trunk. For controlling we have used liver of 10 dogs of the same age. Material has been tested by hystological, morfometric and stereometric mesurements. We have figured that after pulmanory trunk stenosis and the decrease in circulation of hepatic venous blood tonus of arteries increases, reflectory and resistance to circulation grows. Except venous-arterial reactions in incoming vessels small boundles of oblique intimal muscular system, muscular-elastic sfincters, polipsimillar pillows have been formed and in outcoming vessels muscular structures hypertrophy.has been indicated In case decompensated stenosis with hypoxia relaxation of outcoming and outgoing vessels happens, the quantity of arteries with adapting structures decreases, and muscular formations of hepatic veins atrophy.
Pathological Anatomy and Quantitative Analysis of morphologic dimensions of 1-Year Old Children Hearts in Case of Sudden Death at Home
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Yu. R. Yunusova
Organization: Samara State Medical University
One hundred twenty-three babies died at home at the age of 1–12 months have been examined from 2004 till 2008. 39 babies died from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). The comparison group has been composed of 58 babies of the same age died at home from various diseases. Investigations have been performed in DGCB N1, Samara. About 95 % of babies died from SIDS at home during the first six months of their life, with top mortality between 1 till 3 months. There was sexual difference — 67 % of boys. The majority of home death cases have happened in summer — 49 babies (30%). Morphological investigations have been made including different heart weighting, histological and histometric examination of cardiomyocites. It has been revealed that in the group of babies died from SIDS the most constant symptoms have included: right heart hypertrophy, great heart weight variability, ventricular index.
Expression of Retinaldehyde Dehydrogenases (Raldh) – Enzymes that Catalyzate Retinoid Acid Synthesis in Mammalian Tissues During Early Embryonic Eye Development
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: S.L. Kuznetsov, A.O. Molotkov
Organization: First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov
Retinoid acid (RA) plays an important role in the regulation of early embryonic development and in particularly in eye development. To reveal possible influence of RALDH — enzymes on RA synthesis in mamalian tissues, in supplying RA for the eye development we have studied expression of these enzymes during early eye formation. The investigations enabled to find out that all three RALDH (RALDH 1, 2 and 3) are expressed during eye development in unique non-overlapping patterns, which correlate with RA activity in the same tissues. Thus it presents important role of these enzymes for providing RA in the eye development.
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