№2, 2009, volume 5
Treatment Results of Injuries of Thoracic and Lumbar Backbone Departments at Osteoporosis Patients
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: V.V. Zaretskov, A.Y. Shulga, A.Y. Chomartov, V.B. Arsenievich, D.Y. Sumin, A.I. Norkin
Organization: Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
Information relates to radiologic (computer tomography) manifestations providing the visualization of thoracic and lumbar backbone department injuries at osteoporotic patients. Contemporary methods of transcutaneous and trans-pedicle vertebroplasty with bone cement allows to obtain a stable positive healing effect against such pathologies.
Dental implants as Treatment Option in Patients With Osteopenic Syndrome and Type II Diabetes
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: D.R. Tovmasjan, A.M. Panin, A.M. Mkrtumjan, M.V. Kozlova
Organization: Moscow State Stomatological University
One of the important problems in modern dentistry is the study of jaw bone changes associated with type II diabetes. The aim of this study is to evaluate the influence of osteopenic syndrome on osseointegration when using dental implants in patients with type II diabetes. 40 patients with type II diabetes have been evaluated and assigned to two different groups based on the duration of the disease. Including criteria in patients with compensated diabetes were fasting glucose test results
Clinico-Immunological Estimation of Application of Immunomodulatory Medicine «Gepon» in Complex Therapy of Inflammatory Periodontium Diseases
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: N.V. Bulkina, A.P. Glybochko
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Results of immunumodulator «Gepon» application in complex therapy of chronical generalized periodontitis are given. The efficacy of medicine was improved in renewal of cytokine profile balance in contents of periodontal pockets. It is shown that local application of “Gepon” allows to rise the quality of treatment; to decrease the preoperative preparation term to 10 days (for traditional treatment 14–16 days); to accelerate the postoperative rehabilitation of patients; try to obtain stabile remission in 82% of cases with light degree of chronic periodontitis and 77% with medial degree of periodontitis after 6 month of supervision.
Efficacy Evaluation of Thymectomy in Myasthenia Patients
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: T.V. Romanova, M.J. Belyakova, S.J. Pushkin, A.P. Reshetov
Organization: Samara State Medical University
The condition of 71 patients with myasthenia after thymectomy has been analyzed. Supervision has been carried out from 6 months till 9 years. Thymic hyperplasia has been marked at histological research of operational material in 46,5% of patients. Thymic tumors have been revealed in 50,7% of cases, thymomas have been noticed in 16,7% of cases. In 2 cases (2,8%) atrophy of the thymus gland has been revealed. The excellent and good effects of surgical treatment have been received at 73,8 % of patients, in case of thymic hyperplasia in 76,7 %, and at thymic tumors — in 69,7%. Efficiency dependence includes surgery term according to the disease onset and the age of patients by the moment of operation. Thus, the excellent and good results have been received in 82 % of patients operated within the first two years after the onset of the disease.
Visual Colour-Impulse Stimulation Treatment of Hyperactivity with Deficiency of Attention at Children
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: I.A. Vjakhina, I.E. Рoverennova
Organization: Samara State Medical University
The causes of occurrence and development of the syndrome of hyperactivity with deficiency of attention at children аre considered. The diagnostic complex for application at patients with the given syndrome in conditions of polyclinic is under the study. The new technique in complex treatment of hyperactivity with deficiency of attention with application of visual colour-impulse stimulation for easing emotional tension (“ASIR”) is proposed.
Some Peculiarities of Bone Tissue Remodelling at Hip Joint Inflammatory and Degenerative Diseases
Heading: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Article type: Original article
Authors: E.V. Karyakina, E.A. Persova
Organization: Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics
During the assessment of peculiarities of bone tissue remodelling in inflammatory and non inflammatory lesions of hip joint, according to the levels of biochemical indices in the blood serum, some unilateral changes of bone tissue metabolism have been revealed in advanced rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthrosis. More severe disturbances of bone remodelling in case of rheumatoid arthritis are obviously connected with peculiarities of the rheumatoid inflammation pathogenesis.
Epstein-Barr Viral Infection in Children: Cytokine Response Peculiarities and Immunopathological Reactions
Heading: Infectious Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: S.A. Khmilevskaya, I.A. Zaytseva, E.V. Mikhaylova
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The research results are presented in the work. 100 patients aged 1–18 with different Epstein-Barr viral infection course variations have been observed. Clinical features of infectious mononucleosis in case of primary infection and its revivification have been revealed. The evaluation of intensity of autosensibilization processes has been performed. The interrelation of autoimmune and cytokine reactions and their participation in formation of organopathology in case of Epstein-Barr viral infection are demonstrated.
The Influence of Retinalamine on the Myopic Process in Schoolchildren
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: K.Yu. Yeremenko, L.E. Fedorischeva, N.N. Aleksandrova
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The paper presents results of complex treatment of 422 children with myopia of various degrees aged from 7 to 17 years. The main group included 265 children: 124 patients with myopia, 141 — with myopia and Computer Visual Syndrome (CVS) and 78 children with anisometropia. The control group consisted of 157 patients. 1% Emoxipine and 4% Taufone were used in children of the control group.
Modern methods of examination showed more effective influence of Retinalamine on the visual functions. The incorrective and corrective visual acuity and the volume of accommodation were increased. At the same time the therapy helped to decrease the angle of deviation. Tiredness and asthenopia disappeared in children with CVS. The positive treatment effect was stable during 10–16 months.
The Organism Functional Status of Navy Helicopter Pilots and the Ways of its Optimization
Heading: Military medicine and disaster medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: D.L. Kotliar, A.N. Onishchenko
Organization: Saratov Military Medical Institute
The results of the study of the organism functional status of navy helicopter pilots and navigators in different situations and working conditions of the professional activity (i.e. marine trip, during the preparation and realization of flights at the base airfield) have been analyzed in the process of military professional adaptation. The high physiological “value” of the specific pilots’ labor has been estimated. The technology of organism functional status optimization for helicopter pilots that takes into account psycho-physiological specifity of the professional activity as well as a revealed regularity in organism functional status changes and military professional adaptation has been worked out. That constitutes the sum total of physiologically proved structural and functional components, that is adaptation improvements, correction of the functional state restoration at the base airfield, working out recommendations for ship doctors on flying staff functional status individual correction during marine trip.
Functional Diagnostics Methods Comparative Assessment In Determination Of Different Diastolic Dysfunction Types
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: S.A. Mironov
Organization: Ministry of Defense of the RF, State Institute for Advanced Training of Physicians
Analysis of transmitral flow criteria has been used to underestimate diastolic dysfunction degree. The study goal was to compare the evaluation of different echocardiographic methods to determine diastolic dysfunction types. There were 120 patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency under the study; control group included 30 healthy individuals. Pulmonary venous flow, transmitral flow at rest in carrying out Valsalva test and tests with isometric exercise have been examined for verification of diastolic dysfunction type by Impulse Doppler Echocardiographic Method. The findings have been compared with the results of Tissue Doppler Echocardiography.
Among patients with diastolic dysfunction type I according to the transmitral flow examination there were 22 (34%) with diastolic dysfunction type II using Tissue Doppler Echocardiographic method. Besides, 6 persons with diastolic dysfunction type III demonstrated no diastolic dysfunction signs according to the transmitral flow data. The Valsalva test enabled differentiation of diastolic dysfunction type II in only 39% of all cases while test standardization increased the method’s value up to 55%. The isometric exercise test for diastolic reserve indication may be compared by its effectiveness with Tissue Doppler Echocardiographic method used for detection the diastolic dysfunction restrictive types.