Heading: History of Medicine. Anniversary Dates Article type: Original article
Authors: V.F. Kirichuk, E.V. Ponukalina
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The analysis of stages of development and perfecting of the Saratov scientific school of hemostasiology is carried cut in this article. The professor I. A. Chuevski was first decane of medical faculty and organizer of physiology chair of the Imperial University and began to form of Saratov scientific school of hemostasiology. The continuers and followers of scientific ideas, traditions, transactionses by I.A. Chuevski were professors E.S. Ivanicki-Vasilenko, S.A. Georgieva in following years. The leading directions of research activity of chair of normal physiology SGMU are examined in this work, studing the condition of a hemostasis, fibrinolysis, vascularwall, hemoreology, microcirculation, mechanisms of their regulation and correction of the detected changes in conditions of experiment animals, and also the different forms of infections and somatic pathology on the people.