Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Results of longterm follow-up of children with low birth weight

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 691-693
Heading: Proceedings of all-Russia week of science with international participants Article type: Original article
Authors: Panina O.S., Chemenkov Yu.V., Lavrova D.B., Belyaeva N.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The purpose of our research is a long-term follow up study of children with low birth weight. Materials and methods. 115 premature children from 0 to 7 years old took part in the research process. The children gestational age was 30-35 weeks and their birth weight was less than 2500 g. All children had thorough clinical and laboratory, instrumental and psychological examination up to the age of seven. Their parents took part in questionnaire survey. Results. Development of all aspects of mentality is retarded and such retardation can be observed in the first months of life as slow learning of new things and peculiarities of psychological interrelations with the world around in the form of negative response to the influence of sensory stimuli, behavioral disorders and difficulties in social adaptation. Conclusion. Children with low birth weight are included into the high-risk group of disabling abnormalities and persistent non-disabling disorders. These children need early comprehensive rehabilitation and, at the same time, extremely careful prognosis of their further development.

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