Pathomorphological pattern of the respiratories under exposure to various chemicals and their role in the pathogenesis of COPD (review)
Heading: pathological anatomy Article type: Review
Authors: Fedorova М.G., Komarova E.V., Tsyplikhin N.O.
Organization: Penza State University
Abstract. Objective: to analyze the data available in the literature on the microscopic structure of the upper and lower respiratory tract after exposure to various chemicals, as well as a possible role in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The following databases were used to write the review: PubMed, MEDLINE, Cohrane Library, eLibrary, Scholar.google, Sciencedirect, using keywords in Russian and English: "morphology", "COPD", "experiment", "inhalation", "chemicals", "lower respiratory tract", "chronic inflammation", "pathomorphology", "microscopy", "chemical exposure", "air pollutants", "dust", "endogenous impacts". The search depth is from 2005 to 2022. The number of analyzed sources is 35. This article displays the main pathomorphological features of the structure of the respiratory system in COPD, some differences in micromorphology in the disease caused by prolonged smoking, the features of the course of an acute purulent process in COPD, and also considers the main etiological factors associated with the inhalation of chemicals at work, their impact on healthy lungs.
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