Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Assessing the impact of schoolchildren' compliance with the requirements on prevention of acute respiratory viral infections including COVID-19 on their well-being and morbidity

Year: 2022, volume 18 Issue: №3 Pages: 466-471
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Kapranov S.V., Kapranova G.V., Tarabtsev D.V., Solyonaya E.S.
Organization: Alchevsk Information and Methodological Center, Alchevsk Municipal Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Republican Minor Academy of Sciences

Abstract. Objective: determination of the importance of compliance with various requirements for the prevention of acute respiratory viral infection (ARVI), including COVID-19, by schoolchildren in the formation of their health condition and morbidity. Material and methods. A survey of 752 urban schoolchildren aged 14-17 years was carried out on issues characterizing compliance with the requirements for the prevention of ARVI, including COVID-19. The list of symptoms of deterioration of health condition is compiled on the basis of literature data. Results. Using the chi-square method, the connection between non-compliance with social distance and manifestations of symptoms was proved in schoolchildren: significant fatigue — x2=15-075 (P=0.005), cough —x2=14-724 (df=4, p=0.005) and general malaise — x2=11-421 (df=4, p=0.002). It has been confirmed that non — compliance with anti-epidemic requirements on the prohibition of touching the mouth, nose, eyes and other parts of the face with unwashed hands is a risk factor for the formation of symptoms of general malaise — x2=24.120 (df=4, p<0.001), significant fatigue — x2=9-621 (df=4, p=0.047), difficulty respiration — %2=16.504 (df=4, p=0.022), as well as cough. Often practiced among schoolchildren, the refusal to constantly use personal respiratory protection equipment in public places during the ARVI epidemic, including COVID-19, causes the risk of a symptom of difficulty breathing in adolescents. The effect of non-compliance by schoolchildren with the requirements for preventing the spread of ARVI, including COVID-19, on the frequency and duration of all diseases and respiratory diseases separately has not been established. Conclusion. Failure to comply with anti-epidemic requirements is a risk factor for the formation of various symptoms of deterioration in health condition in adolescents. Based on comparative data on the results of self-assessment of schoolchildren and objectively according to medical documentation, it is confirmed that non-compliance with the recommended anti-epidemic requirements is a risk factor for the formation of various symptoms of deterioration of health condition in adolescents.

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