Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Improving the provision of medical care to school-age children using lean technologies in the Sverdlovsk Region

Year: 2022, volume 18 Issue: №3 Pages: 463-465
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Zherebtsova Т.А., Leontiev S.L., Mikhailova D.O., Anufrieva E.V.
Organization: Ural Institute of Public Health Management n. a. A. B. Blokhin

Abstract. Objective: based on the assessment of the activities of medical organizations providing primary health care, to determine the best practice for organizing preventive medical examinations of school-age children. Material and methods. Based on the data of Rosstat, FRIHOI of MoH of the RF, the Ministry of Health of the Sverdlovsk Region, the Territorial Fund of Compulsory Medical Insurance of the Sverdlovsk Region, an assessment was made of indicators characterizing the organization of the provision of primary health care for children's population. Results. An assessment of the activities of the departments of medical organizations providing assistance to the children's population was carried out, a shortage of personnel, an excess of the number of attached population in pediatric areas, insufficient coverage of preventive measures were revealed. The best practice on the organization of preventive examination of school-age minors based on the use of lean technologies is highlighted and described. As a result, the time of passing the preventive examination of organized groups of minors was reduced by 2.2 times, the intersection of the flows of children undergoing preventive and diagnostic examinations was excluded, the level of satisfaction with the services provided was 87.5%. Conclusion. Lean technologies show high efficiency in optimizing the processes of providing medical care to the children's population, but they do not solve the problem of a shortage of specialists.

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