On the issue of professional choice of adolescents with bronchial asthma
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Vorotnikova N.A., Chernenkov Yu.V., Volokhova T.V., Gusev Ya.S.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Abstract. Objective: determine the need for medical professional psychological counseling (MPPC) for patients with bronchial asthma (BA) and informing them and their parents about the peculiarities of choosing a future profession in this disease. Material and methods. 40 patients aged 11-17 years old with a verified diagnosis of "Bronchial asthma" underwent a MPPC in order to determine the choice of a future profession. A questionnaire was developed, 2 psychological tests were used: "Map of Interests" and "Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire of Interests". Results. 9 adolescents (22.5%), including 4 patients (10%) with disabilities, had not thought about occupational determination or had not yet decided on the choice of profession. 5 patients (16.1 %) chose professions that could certainly cause an exacerbation of BA, and 22 people (70.7%) chose professions that were not contraindicated to them due to their health condition (lawyer, psychologist, programmer, etc.). The desire to learn a particular profession did not coincide with the actual test results (the "Map of Interests" test) in 6 patients (15%) and according to the results of the "Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire of Interests" test in 7 patients (17.5%). Psychological pressure from the mother on the child's choice of future profession was established. Conclusion. MPPC should become a necessary part of the work of a pediatrician, allergist, pulmonologist with a patient with BA. It is required to develop a List of professions at the legislative level, the choice of which is impossible with BA, and bring this document to the attention of interested persons. It is necessary to create Centers for MPPC with the participation of a clinical psychologist on the bases of children's district polyclinics, allergy centers for patients with BA starting from the younger adolescence (11 years).
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