Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Reduced stress resistance as one of the key psychosocial factors of cardiovascular risk

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №3 Pages: 523-526
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Kodochigova A.I., Polidanov M.A., Kondrashkin I.E., Mayskova E.A., Olenko E.S., Bogdanova T.M., Parshina S.S., Lobanov M.E., Blokhin I.S., Sinkeev M.S., Dzheyranova M.O., Kirichuk V.F.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The purpose of the study is a comparative analysis of the personal reaction characteristics and key factors of cardiovascular risk for patients with stable forms of coronary heart disease through their resistance to the stress agents. Material and Methods. 88 male patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) were tested by using the generally accepted clinical examination, and the Subbotin, Spielberger — Hanin questionnaires, and also the Toronto Alexithymia Scale; mean age was 50,8 (49,9; 51,3) years. Results. Among the individuals we observed, patients with reduced stress resistance (65,1 %) prevailed, they formed group I, and patients with high stress resistance (34,9 %) formed group II. Patients from group I had higher indicators of anxiety, cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein blood levels, a tendency to alexithymia, lower glomerular filtration rate and more frequent indications in the history of coronary events than representatives of group II. Conclusion. IHD patients with reduced stress resistance need its correction to increase the effectiveness of secondary prevention of this pathology, and to reduce the risk of cardiovascular catastrophes.

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