Arterial hypertension and risk of cardiovascular complications in representatives of various sports and age groups (review)
Heading: Cardiology Article type: Review
Authors: Shmoylova A.S., Novitsky A.V., Smirnova A.D., Shvarts Yu.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The purpose of the review is to determine the influence of various sports on the state of the cardiovascular system, taking into account the age characteristics of athletes participating in competitions. The original articles have been searched in the PubMed database for the period from 1999 till 2020 by keywords: "arterial hypertension among athletes", "blood pressure and hypertension in athletes", "sudden cardiac death in sport", "arterial hypertension and cardiovascular risk", "exercise and hypertension", "left ventricular hypertrophy in athletes", echocardiography in athletes. We used the database for the period from 1978 till 2020 by keywords: "arterial hypertension and sports", "sports heart", "left ventricular hypertrophy and sports", with a study of the list of literary sources and works of 1899 and 1936. For the review, works were selected that took into account the differences between sports and/or age using large contingents of the surveyed. A total of 38 sources were studied. There is currently not much data on the prevalence of cardiovascular disease among athletes. In this regard, special attention should be paid to the measurement of blood pressure before and after exercise, including in persons without arterial hypertension. The relationship of ultrasound examination of the heart and blood vessels with the risk of cardiovascular complications is currently not fully understood, and there are quite contradictory data on this issue, however, the advantages of these studies are obvious.
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