Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Heart rate variability in patients with axial myopia

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 362-366
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Rozanova O.I., Lodeyshchikova E.S.
Organization: The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution

Purpose: to analyze heart rate variability and parameters of autonomic regulation in patients with emmetropia and axial myopia. Material and Methods. 30 volunteers (with emmetropic and myopic refraction) aged from 23 to 30 years were examined. In addition to the standard ophthalmological examination, everyone underwent cardiointervalography (Varicard 2.51, Ramena, Russia). Results. In patients with myopia, a significant decrease in the total power of the spectrum of cardiac oscillations (p=0.034) and the activity of the parasympathetic link of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) (p=0.046) was revealed. The value of objective refraction was statistically significantly correlated with the parameters of vegetative regulation and the adaptive status of the organism. Conclusion. The general indicators of the activity of regulatory systems in patients with myopia differ from the control in terms of the total power of the spectrum of cardiac oscillations and the activity of the parasympathetic innervation link. An increase in the degree of myopia is consistent with a decrease in the total regulatory activity on the part of the ANS and an increased shift in the balance of the ANS towards the predominance of the sympathetic component.

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