Treatment of critical burn with the use of fibroblasts (a clinical case)
Heading: Surgery Article type: Case report
Authors: Bogdanov S.B., Polyakov A.V., Porkhanov V.A., Gilevich I.V., Bogdanova Yu.A., Karakulev A.V., Melkonyan K.I., Sotnichenko A.S.
Organization: Kuban State Medical University, Research Institute — Regional Clinical Hospital No. 1 n. a. Professors. V. Ochapovsky
Treatment of victims with widespread deep burns is a serious problem in modern medicine. First of all, this is due to the high mortality rate in such patients from complications of burn disease, which develop due to the presence of extensive wound surfaces. This article demonstrates a case of successful treatment of a teenager with a flame burn on an area of 65% of the body surface of 2-3 degrees. On the example of clinical observation, the possibility of using active surgical tactics of treatment and cell cultures of autologous fibroblasts in the treatment of a patient with a critical area of burn lesions was demonstrated, which made it possible to successfully restore the lost skin in conditions of a shortage of donor resources, stop the complications of burn disease, and also activate the patient.
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