Pathomorphology of submacular hemorrhage (review)
Heading: Ophtalmology Article type: Review
Authors: Fayzrakhmanov R.R., Shishkin M.M., Bosov E.D., Sukhanova A.V., Mironov A.V.
Organization: Institute of Advanced Training of Physicians N. I. Pirogov National Medical Surgical Center, National Medical and Surgical Center n. a. N. I. Pirogov, S. Fyodorov Foundation to Promote the Development of Advanced Medical Technology
Submacular hemorrhage is a serious complication of various eye diseases, leading to persistent and often irreversible loss of vision. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the main causes of this pathology. The formed hemorrhage has pronounced destructive changes in the photoreceptor and inner nuclear layers of the retina. Patho-morphological disorders are mediated by the complex effect of neurotoxic blood breakdown products, traction effects of fibrin filaments, and blocking of metabolic processes between the retinal pigment epithelium and the overlying layers of the retina. The literature review was carried out using the search engines PubMed, Embase, Cochrane Library, the analysis of literature sources on a given topic, published from 1959 to 2020, was completed. The authors concluded that the study of morphological changes in the retina after acute submacular hemorrhage requires compliance with the principle of multimodal imaging, which makes it possible to establish prognostic criteria for the restoration of visual functions, as well as to facilitate the choice of surgical treatment tactics. This problem is poorly understood and requires additional clinical studies.
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