Awareness of Saratov residents about acute cerebrovascular disorders: The online survey
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Authors: Kirnosova O.A., Bonder G.D., Filippov D.Yu., Lukina E.V., Kolokolova A.M., Sitkali I.V., Kolokolov O.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Objective: to analyze awareness level among Saratov's population about acute cerebrovascular accidents (ACVA) based on the results of an online survey. Material and Methods. An online survey among Saratov's residents was realized using the Google Forms platform. The survey included 809 people. Results. The majority of respondents consider arterial hypertension (94.2%), atherosclerosis (86.2%), obesity (85.7%), smoking (84.1%), alcohol abuse (88.4%), high cholesterol in the blood (85.5%), and emotional stress (88.4%) as risk factors for the development of ACVA. Respondents are not sufficiently informed about the role of diabetes mellitus (75.6%), heart rhythm disorders (76.1%), depression (49.7%), and oral contraceptive usage (22.2%) in the development of ACVA; they also underestimate the transient ischemic attack as a predictor of repeated ACVA (55.0%). High proportion of the population finds it difficult to answer questions concerning the care of patients with ACVA. Conclusion. The data indicate a lack of awareness of Saratov's residents about ACVA. Therefore, it is necessary to form a target audience within the framework of the program to raise public awareness about ACVA and develop strategies for preventive medicine.
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