Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Characteristics of morphofunctional status of students of agrarian university

Year: 2020, volume 16 Issue: №4 Pages: 923-926
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Latyshevskaya N.I., Levchenko N.V., Kanishcheva E.V.
Organization: Volgograd Medical Scientific Center, Volgograd State Medical University

Objective: To give a hygienic assessment of the morphofunctional state of students of the agrarian university of various age groups. Material and Methods. Across-sectional study was carried out: 448 students of the 1st, 3rd and 5th courses were examined. The level of students' motor activity, a complex of anthropometric and physiometric indicators were determined according to traditional methods. The functional state was assessed according to the results of the Stange test, body mass index (by Ketle's formula), Erisman index, life and strength indices. Results. Research has shown that the majority of students (46.4-59.2%), regardless of the year of study, have an average level of physical activity. Comparative analysis of anthropometric and physiometric indicators of students of different courses did not reveal differences in growth indicators, chest circumference, blood pressure level, values of the Stange test. Senior students showed higher values of body weight and muscle strength of the hands (p<0.05), both in boys and girls. For senior students, higher values of indices characterizing the physical development of boys and girls are also characteristic: Erisman index, life index, strength index. At the same time, the values of body mass index were comparable in students of all observation groups. Conclusion. The main trends of changes in the morphofunctional status of students of the agrarian university with increasing age have been established. To clarify the patterns of changes in the morphofunctional status of students, prospective studies are needed in the dynamics of years of study.

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