Medication cardiotoxicity: potential of prevention and correction (review)
Heading: Cardiology Article type: Review
Authors: Kalyuta T.Yu., Kiselev A.R., Bazarbaeva A.Kh.
Organization: Medical University "Reaviz" in Saratov, Saratov State Medical University
The cardiotoxicity of various drugs has become an increasingly actual problem in recent years due to the growth of number of patients exposed to drugs with a high frequency of cardiotoxic side effects. Most often, heart damage is associated with chemotherapy in cancer patients and with the use of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICI) in patients with rheumatologic diseases and oncology. This review comprises recent data from various clinical studies on the mechanisms of cardiotoxic effects of drugs in such patients, the prognosis of their course, the possibilities of prevention of heart damage and correction for already developed cardiac damage. Information obtained from publicly available databases (State register of medicines of the Russian Federation, Register of medicines of Russia, VigiBase, ClinicalTrials. gov) and databases of scientific medical publications (, PubMed®) was analyzed. The search was performed using the keywords "chemotherapy" and "cardiotoxicity". We analyzed 24 scientific publications over the past 5 years, 5 databases and 21 publications issued in the period since 2000 to 2015 year, devoted to the cardiotoxic effect of drugs. Publications related to cardiotoxicity studies in humans were analyzed, but animal studies were not analyzed.
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