Somatic sex determination of an adult by bone remains (review)
Heading: Human anatomy Article type: Review
Authors: Gaivoronsky I.V., Fandeeva О.М., Nikolenko V.N., Nichiporuk G.l., Rodionov A.A., Gaivoronskaya M.G.
Organization: First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov, Lomonosov Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University, The Almazov National Medical Research Centre, Head of Second Cerebral and Spinal Cord Tumors Department, Doctor of Medical Sciences
The article presents a comprehensive osteoscopic approach based on the visual identification of high- quality semi-diagnostic signs on the bones. The differences in the bones of the skeleton in this approach are determined by the greater development of the muscles in men as compared with women, as well as the performance of a fertility function by the woman. On the pelvic bones, differences are functional in nature: the structure of the male pelvis is determined only by supporting and motor functions, and the structure of the female pelvis must also ensure the function of delivery. An osteometric approach is described to determine the somatic sex from the pelvic bones of a person, the basis of which is the use of the instrumental method of determining the properties of objects, fixed in numerical values. It has been shown that almost all bones of the skeleton have the signs of sexual dimorphism, however, they are most clearly expressed in the bones of the pelvis and skull. Determining the gender of bone remains requires a complete examination of the bones presented. It depends on the number of objects, their state, the completeness of the methods used, as well as on the preparation of the expert. A careful analysis of the greatest number of signs revealed on the bones will allow us to arrive at the most reliable result, which is important when establishing the identity of an unidentified corpse.
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