Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Assessment of behavioral risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases among medical students

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №2 Pages: 342-347
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Balashova М.Е., Shemetova G.N., Gubanova G.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Aim: assessment of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases in medical students to improve measures for the formation of a healthy lifestyle. Material and Methods. In order to identify risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases, a questionnaire method was used. A survey included 80 frst- year students and 80 sixth-year students of medical school. The questionnaire included information about the sex, age, smoking and alcohol consumption, physical activity, and nutrition. Results. Respondents are characterized by a high frequency of risk factors for chronic non-communicable diseases (СNCD): low physical activity (60.0 %), poor diet (81.0 %), smoking (16.2 %). The combination of risk factors for the development of СNCD was revealed in 31.8 % of students. Conclusion. The high frequency of risk factors for CNS among students indicates the need to improve measures to increase the efectiveness of prevention, therapeutic measures and the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

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