Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

The activity of phthisiology service of the Saratov region during the Great Patriotic War and the first post-war years

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №1 Pages: 132-136
Heading: Scientific schools and memorable dates Article type: Short message
Authors: Chulochnikov А.А.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The article presents a brief overview of the tuberculosis service's activities, of epidemiological situation in the Saratov region during the Great Patriotic war, and of contribution of advanced tuberculosis evacuation hospitals in reducing the number of tuberculosis cases among military personnel and civilian population in the Saratov region.

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5 State Archive of Saratov region. F. P-2302. Op. 3 Items 39 Sheets 35, 37
6 State Archive of Saratov region. F. P-2302. Op. 3 Items 19 Sheet 20
7 State Archive of Saratov region. F. P-2302. Op. 3 Items 94 Sheets 3, 14, 15 reverse
8 State Archive of Saratov region. F. P-2302. Op. 3 Items 53 Sheets 1, 2 Russian (ГАСО. Ф. P-2302. On. 3 Ед.хр. 53 Л. 1,2). 9 State Archive of Saratov region. F. P-2302. Op. 3 Items 60 Sheet 16
10 State Archive of Saratov region. F. P-2302. Op. 3 Items 66 Sheets 57, 57 reverse
11 State archive of modern history of Saratov region. F. 524 Op. 1 Items 3814 Sheet 50
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13 State Archive of Saratov region. F. P-2302. Op. 3 Items 112 Sheets 6, 7
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15 State archive of modern history of Saratov region. F. P-2302. Op. 3 Items 105 Sheet 12
16 State archive of modern history of Saratov region. F. P-2302. Op. 3 Items 124 Sheets 2, 3

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