Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Morphological studies in the diagnosis of primary and secondary bone tumors

Year: 2016, volume 12 Issue: №4 Pages: 566-570
Heading: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Article type: Original article
Authors: Matveeva O.V., Zhandarova L.F., Pavlenko A.A., Kesov L.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The aim: to show the possibility of morphological studies in the diagnosis of primary and secondary tumors of bones. Material and Methods. 105 (72%) patients with primary bone tumors aged from 15 to 66 years and 42 (28%) patients with metastatic bone lesions aged from 42 to 70 years were examined and treated for the period from 2008 till 2015. Material for morphological studies was prepared using an open biopsy tissue slices and a scraping resected tumor during surgery. Soft-tissue component is subjected to cytology. The material for histological study included changes in bone and soft tissue. Results. Giant cell tumor was verified in 45% of cases by histological examination. Multiple myeloma was diagnosed in 15% of patients. Osteogenic sarcoma was diagnosed in 14% of cases. Ewing's sarcoma was diagnosed in 3%, 2% of cases were matched by diagnosed chordoma. According to the data received, cancer metastasis of kidney and lung is mostly diagnosed in men from the group of patients with secondary bone defeat. Metastasis of cancer of the breast in women was predominated. Conclusion. The morphological (histological, cytological) study plays an important role in the diagnosis of bone tumors. The coincidence of the cytological and histological diagnoses was 97%.

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