Synchronization of low-frequency rhythms in electroencephalogram by respiration with linear dependent time frequency.
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Karavaev A.S., Runnova A.E., Borovkova E.l., Ishbulatov Y.M., Khorev V.S., Kiselev A.R., Zhuravlev M.O., Ponomarenko V.I., Prokhorov M.D., Bezruchko B.P., Koronovsky A.A..
Organization: Saratov Branch of Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics n.a. V.A. Kotelnikov, Saratov State Medical University, Saratov state university
The aim of the present study was to investigate the features of interaction of low-frequency rhythms in delta band of electroencephalogram (EEG) and processes in vegetative regulation of circulation with respiration. Materials and methods. 19 leads of EEG, photoplethysmogram (PPG) and respiration were simultaneously recorded in four healthy males (19-25 years old) during 30 minutes physiological test with linearly increasing frequency of respiration. Modern methods of nonlinear dynamics were used to diagnose the presence of phase and frequency synchronization between respiration and low-frequency rhythms in delta band of EEG and in PPG. Results. We found significantly long sections of synchronization of delta rhythms in cervical leads of EEG and low-frequency rhythms in PPG by respiration with linearly increasing frequency. Conclusion. Obtained results correlate well with established hypothesis which suggest that low-frequency rhythms in baroreflectory regulation of circulation are in complex dynamic relationships with structures of brain stem. A method was proposed for quantitative evaluation of synchronization strength between respiration and low-frequency rhythms in electrical brain activity in physiological tests with respiration with frequency linearly increasing in time.
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