The clinical significance of the prevalence of parapancreatitis in pan-creonecrosis
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Alexandrov D.A., Tolstokorov A.S., Sedov D.S.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Tftea/m of the study is to determine the relationship of clinical surgical treatment options of degradation of retroperi-tonealfat. Material and Methods. We have analyzed the results of treatment of 1177 patients with necrotizing pancreatitis, taking into account the severity and characteristics of parapancreatitis. Statistical data processing was carried out by the program Statistica for Windows 6.0. using the Student's criterion. Results. The variety of clinical forms of pancreatic necrosis due to a combination of options lesions of the pancreas and retroperitoneal fat. The outcome of pancreatic necrosis is determined not only by the degree of destruction of the pancreas, but also features parapancreatitis. The allocation of limited and common prevalence of parapancreatitis was substantiated and specified. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the treatment of pancreatic necrosis is dependent on the development options of parapancreatitis which present the predictive and tactical value.
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