Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Indices of retinopathy morbidity among premature children in Saratov region institutions of obstetrics

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 553-555
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Сhernenkov Yu.V., Nechaev V.N., Tereshenko V.A., Stasova Yu.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Research objective: to study efficiency of diagnostic and preventive actions for decrease in frequency and weight of the retinopathy of the prematurely born (RPB), and also to carry out the analysis of incidence, the accompanying states and dynamic monitoring of prematurely born children with RPB. Material and methods. For 2 years it was surveyed on the retinal chamber "Ret Cam 3" — 531 patients of second stage of nursing Perinatal center of the Saratov region. Results. In 2013 from the examined 239 children, RPB is revealed at 56 (23,4%), 183 children (76,5%) had various changes of vessels of an eye bottom. In 2014 at 292 children the following ophthalmologic pathology was noted: incomplete development of vessels — at 101 (34,5%), an angiopatiya of vessels of a retina — 122 (41,8%), angiospasm — 18 (6,2%), a partial atrophy of disks of optic nerves at 3 (1,0%), an atrophy of eyeballs — 1 (0,3%), RPB is revealed at 47 (16,1 %). It is important to note that all children with the RPB malignant form had body weight at the birth less than 1000 grams and gestational age lower than 28 weeks. Conclusion. For the last year the tendency to decrease in cases of RPB including heavy forms, however spontaneous regress at initial stages of a disease was 12,4% lower, than in 2013 is noted.

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