Theoretical background of healthcare management in the conditions of social and economic instability
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Shuldyakov V.A., Chernenkov Yu.V., Denisova Т.Р.
Organization: Children's Hospital of the Saratovsk Region, Saratov, Saratov State Medical University
Purpose: to develop fundamental basis of science based healthcare management in social and economic instability. Public health state (1998-2008, selected region) was characterized by cardiovascular health parameters (Code IX, ICD-10). Systematic review was performed according to PRISMA guidelines. Dynamic characteristics of major cardiovascular diseases in social and economic instability considered as a cause of a population system destabilization were reconstructed. Conclusion. Fundamentals of science based healthcare management in social and economic instability include long- and short-term prognosis of public health characteristics as the result of multifactor external influences on cardiovascular diseases prevalence.
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