Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Antiradiation properties of melanin

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 828-832
Heading: radiation medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Bushmanov A.Ju., Ivanov А.А., Andrianova I.E., Stavrakova N.M., Bulinina T.M., Dorozhkina O.V.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to examine the therapeutic efficiency of melanin administered to mice after irradiation at lethal and sublethal doses. Material and methods: Survival and hematological states were studied on CD-1 mice receiving on acute or fractionated whole-body doses on X-rays or gamma-irradiation. Melanin soluble was given with water ad libitum from the first to the 30th-day after irradiation. Results. It was shown that melanin produced a significant therapeutic and protective-therapeutic action against acute radiation injury in the dose range 6,5-7,5 Gy (LD80-LD under our conditions). Cumulative survival melanin treated mice was increased to 14,4%, in control group — 1,9%. After fractionated injury (1 Gy daily, total dose 10 Gy) all mice which consumed melanin remained alive, versus 43,7% in control. Melanin decreased radiation-induced damage and stimulated the hematopoiesis recovery after sublethal exposure (5Gy). Conclusion. The results permit to regard melanin as a therapeutic agent for treatment of radiation injuries.

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