Comparative analysis of treatment outcomes in patients with femoral neck fracture using monolateral wire and half-pin fixator of the authors' design and transosseous fixation wires
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: Allakhverdiev A.S., Soldatov Y.P.
Organization: Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center «Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics»
Objective. The purpose of the study is to analyze the errors, complications and outcomes of the operative treatment of patients with femoral neck fracture in the 1st group with application of wires bundle and fixation in the llizarov frame (64 cases) and in the 2nd group with application of developed monolateral wire- and half-pin device (23 cases). Material and Methods. The observation of 87 patients with fractures of the femoral neck. Operations performed using spokes kit for transosseous osteosynthesis by GA llizarov and develop devices for the treatment of patients with
fractures of the proximal femur. Two groups of patients were studied: duration of surgery, duration of osteosynthesis, complications, and outcomes (in terms of one year after the dismantling clips) using the modified scale Luboshyce — Mattis — Schwartzberg. Results. Fracture repair was achieved in 40 patients (62,5%) of the 1st group. The following complications were observed in this group: non-union and pseudarthrosis — in 21 (32,8%) case; aseptic necrosis of the femoral head in 3 (4,7%) cases; hip ankyloses — in one (1,6%) case, breakage and migration of wires into the joint cavity and smaller pelvis — 3 (4,7%) patients and cutting out of wires from the femoral head was observed in 3 (4,7%) cases. Totally 61 complication were revealed. In the second group of the patients non-union was found in one patient (64 years old). Complications were observed in 6 patients of this group — pint-tract infection, moderate secondary displacement of the fragments (the patient fell down on the operated limb) and wire breakage. Conclusion. The efficiency of the femoral neck osteosynthesis with application of elaborated monolateral wire- and half-pin fixator made up 95,7% of the positive outcomes (in osteosynthesis using bunch of wires with llizarov frame fixation the same 60,9% of the positive outcomes).
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