Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Issues on rendering the course of management in medicine for doctors at the Department of Health Care Organization, Public Health and Medical Law

Year: 2014, volume 10 Issue: №4 Pages: 591-595
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Erugina M.V., Timofeev D.A., Tsvigailo M.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Tver District Military Clinical Hospital 442

Objectives: to determine the rate of modern thematic module "Organizational Behavior" (Fundamentals of Management) from "Healthcare Management" course) for students of Department of Raising Skills and Professional Development for Saratov State Medical University specialists. Material and methods. 61 students — medical administrators and specialists — were anonymously surveyed after their vocational training with the help of a specially designed questionnaire. The received data were processed mathematically and statistically with "Statistica-10" program. Results. The modern issues of the studied course is evaluated differently by groups of medical administrators and specialists. Medical administrators' rate has been higher than specialists'. Both groups' rate is "higher than average". Conclusion. Doctors clearly realize the necessity of professional development in management and have a clear idea of the areas where they lack professional skills. The conducted monitoring of students' opinion implies forehanded reaction to doctors' demands, increasing effectiveness of their training and level of their satisfaction as well as marketability of the higher educational institution providing the demanded educational services.

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