Markers of systemic inflammatory response in coxarthrosis
Heading: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Article type: Original article
Authors: Korshunov G.V., Shakhmartova S.G., Puchinyan D.M.
Objective: to detect markers of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome in patients with coxarthrosis by means of assessment of the status of the hemostasis system, endothelium function and inflammation intensity. Material and Methods. The indices of the plasmatic hemostasis, levels of VCAM-1, ICAM-1, ELAM-1, VEGF-A, neop-terin were analyzed. Results. It has been found that among the patients with hip coxarthrosis a group of patients (47%) with endothelium dysfunction, cellular immunity activation, a high content of Soluble Fibrin Monomer Complex and D-dimers and a group of patients (53%) without any abnormalities in these parameters should be differentiated. Conclusion. Among the patients with hip coxarthrosis a group with signs of a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (occurrence of endothelium dysfunction, cellular immunity activation, a high content of Soluble Fibrin Monomer Complex and D-dimers) and a group of patients with reference values of these parameters can be determined. The markers of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome in cases with hip osteoarthrosis are Soluble Fibrin Monomer Complex and D-dimers, high levels of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (slCAM-1), vascular cell adhesion molecule-2 (sVCAM-1), cell adhesion E-selectin-1 (ELAM-1) and Neopterin (Np).
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