Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Socio-demographic analysis of patients with alcohol and discirculatory encephalopathy in elderly people

Year: 2012, volume 8 Issue: №2 Pages: 413-416
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Богомолова Е.В., Рыжак Г.А., Соловьев А.Г., Пятлина М.Н.
Organization: St. Petersburg Institute of a Bioregulation and Gerontology of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Central Clinic № 58 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency

Analysis of alcohol and dyscirculatory encephalopathies among the elderly and working age. Material and methods. A survey of 781 patients of neurological departments of a hospital of the Central Clinic № 58 of the Federal Medical-Biological Agency and the City Hospital № 2 Severodvinsk in Arkhangelsk region in 2004 – 2010. During the research specifc information about the prevalence of alcohol and discirculatory encephalopathies among different age and gender and social groups have been revealed. The annual increase in the number of patients with alcohol encephalopathy is accompanied by the growing number of elderly patients. In a signifcant percentage of the organization of treatment include intensive care due to the rapid development and severe disease on the background of comorbid somatic pathology is needed.

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