№3, 2011, volume 7
Age dependent dynamics of intima-media complex thickness in elderly patients with arterial hypertension
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Sadjaya L.A., Tikhonova LA., Malinova L.I.
Organization: Saratov Road Clinical Hospital, Saratov Institute of Cardiology, Russia
Aim: To estimate the dynamics of intima-media complex in elderly patients with arterial hypertension. Materials: 179 elderly patients with arterial hypertension were involved in the study. Mean intima-media wall thickness (IMT) of common carotid arteries in plaque-free sites and prevalence of plaques were evaluated by B-mode ultrasound investigation (Philips Envisor HD, USA). Results: IMT changing was of nonlinear character, remained stable up to 74 years. Mean rate of the following IMT augmentation was 0.157 mm per year. Frequency of atherosclerotic plaque revealing was significantly increased since the 7th decade. Significant correlation between IMT and systolic, diastolic, mean blood pressure levels or medication spectrum was not revealed. Conclusion: Received data proved significant influence of aging upon IMT enlargement
Interdependence of parameters of varia-tional pulsometry, entropy of heart rate, temporal and spectral analyses of heart rate variability in normal state and in ischemic heart disease
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Durnova N.Yu., Dovgalevskiy Ya.P., Burlaka A.N., Kiselev A. R., Furman N.V.
Organization: Saratov Institute of Cardiology, Russia
The research goal is to study the correlation between indices of variational pulsometry, entropy of heart rate, temporal and spectral analyses and heart rate variability in healthy patients and patients with coronary heart disease. Materials. Of the study are indicators of variational pulsometry and temporal and spectral analyses from 111 patients with coronary heart disease and in 61 healthy individuals. Results. Most parameters of HRV correlated with each other. In healthy patients the greatest independence was characterized by Mo and LF/HF, in patients with coronary artery disease — only by LF/HF Significant correlation with SDNN RMSSD, TP, LF, HF was determined. Conclusion. The variational pulsometry, temporal and spectral analyses of HRV and entropy of heart rate provide HRV assessment. The indices are interdependent and indicate interchangeability of methods
Diagnostics in critical conditions
Heading: Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology Article type: Original article
Authors: SadchikovD.V., PrigorodovM.V., IvanovR.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The purpose of research: improvement of quality of diagnostics at the patients in a critical condition in intensive care unit. Material and methods. In total have analyzed 1957 medical cards of the patients who have died in ICU»s. At the first stage studied the factors influencing on diagnostics of critically ill patients (medical cards of 1557 patients); at the second stage investigated influence of the diagnostic standards in ICU»s practice on improvement of quality of diag-
nostics of critically ill patients (400 medical cards of the patients who have died). Entry criterions were standards and algorithm of diagnostics. Techniques of research: average bed-day in groups, first-day lethality, quantity of the carried out laboratory tests and tool methods of research, level of consciousness of the patients (Glasgow come score), severity of disease by ICU»s patients (APACHE II scores). Results. Quality of diagnostics depend on carried out laboratory tests and tool methods of research, level of consciousness of the patients (Glasgow come score), severity of disease by ICU»s patients (APACHE II score). The conclusion. The laboratory tests and tool methods of research conforming to the standards of diagnostics are necessary for improvement of quality of diagnostics, it is necessary to take into account an altered level of consciousness (Glasgow come score) and severity of disease by ICU»s patients (APACHE II scores)
Peculiarities of anesthetic aid in myasthenia
Heading: Anaesthesiology and Reanimatology Article type:
Authors: Kupriyanova E.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article presents the data on comparative analysis of two medical cases of myasthenia patients, analysis of general anesthetization and post-surgical process. The influence of previous therapy, overall condition and accompanied pathology is stated
Principal causes and ways of prevention of early reproductive losses
Heading: Obstetrics and Gynecology Article type: practicing physician
Authors: Tebelev В. G., Rogozhina I.E.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The literature on principal causes of early abortions and ways of treatment in the first trimester was studied. Reproductive losses in the first trimester were found out to be the most active because of 5 main groups of reasons. In each group the therapeutic way of abortion was considered
Lowinvasive technologies and hemostasis system at a hysteromyoma
Heading: Obstetrics and Gynecology Article type: Original article
Authors: Rogozhina I.E., Khvorostukhina N.F.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Research objective. Study of condition of hemostasis system at patients with hysteromyoma complicated by bleeding; comparative estimation of hemostasis indicators at patients with uterine arteries embolization (the basic group n=48) and abdominal hysterectomy (comparison group n=65). Materials and methods. Complex study of the basic hemogram parameters and hemostasis at 162 patients with hysteromyoma and 30 patients without marked genital pathology (the II control group) was carried out. 48 patients formed the main group which was subjected to uterine arteries embolization for bleeding break; 65 patients (the comparative group) were surgically operated upon abdominal hysterectomy; 49 patients with hysteromyoma had no bleedings and formed the control group. Research of hemostasis system was carried out by means of test-tube method, and also by plotting set for express-diagnostics, analysis of thrombocyte unit of hemostasis system was realized with 2-channel analyzer of thrombocyte aggregation «Biola» — LA 230. Results. Presented analysis of hemostasiogram parameters allows to state development of chronic DIC-syndrome in women with hysteromyoma. Reliable shortening of coagulation index, decrease of thrombocyte aggregation function in comparison to the control group data were revealed. Conclusion. Development of hyper coagulation with increase of paracoagulative products with simultaneous activation of fibrinolysis processes in all the patients with hysteromyoma was revealed. Minimal effect of embolization of uterine arteries to hemostasis system in patients with hysteromyoma was marked. And they were intensified after surgical treatment, which is the evidence of definite advantages of this method unlike of hysterectomy
Stress depended changes in activityof gp red blood cells receptors and its correction by therahertz waves at nitric oxide frequency
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kirichuk V.F., Svistunov S.V., Andronov E.V., Ivanov A.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The effect of electromagnetic radiation in the terahertz range frequencies of molecular spectrum of emission and absorption of nitric oxide 150.176–150.664 GHz for the restoration of the impaired carbohydrate component and functional activity glikoproteid receptors of erythrocytes of white rats in a state of acute imm obilization stress. Shown that exposure to electromagnetic waves at these frequencies is the normalization of the increased content of b-D-galactose in the carbohydrate component and the restoration of the impaired activity of the receptors glikoproteid erythrocytes
Study of nerve fibers nature reinforcing duodenal contractions by electrical stimulation of sympathetic nerve
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Sveshnikov D.S., Kirichuk V.F., Smirnov V.M., Myasnikov I. L, Kuchuk A.M., Trofimova J.E., Trubetskaya M.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Russian State Medical University
The subject of the article is to investigate the mechanism of increased reactions by electrical stimulation of the sympathetic nerve. Materials and methods: Experiments on dogs have shown that stimulant reactions during blockade of a-adrenergic by phentolamine and (3-adrenergic receptors with propranolol were completely eliminated by lizer-gol —the blocker of 5-HT12-receptors. Results: Infusion of lizergol did not influence on duodenal motor activity and the function of the vagus nerve. Conclusion: Effector neuron is found out to be serotonergic and its action is provided by 5-HT1 2 receptors
New technologies in medical aid given to veterans of Great Patriotic War of Saratov Region
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Shuldyakov V.A., Denisova Т.P., Alipova L.N.
Organization: Saratov Regional Hospital for Veterans of Wars
The article describes the system of health care service in Saratov Regional Hospital for Veterans. The experience of medical aid given to veterans of Great Patriotic War and to participants of local conflicts has been generalized and highlighted in the work. New health care technologies have been developed and adopted. Analysis of innovative advantages has been performed
Non-departmental expert quality control of medical treatment by efficiency criteria and degree of concrete results
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Short message
Authors: V.A. Dmitriev
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Анализируется практика использования показателей экспертизы объемов и качества оказания медицинской помощи при проведении вневедомственного экспертного контроля. Эти показатели могут быть использованы для формирования территориальной модели вневедомственного экспертного контроля в лечебно-профилактических учреждениях Саратовской области с учетом особенности структуры заболеваемости, сети медицинских организаций, территориальной специфики