№3, 2011, volume 7
Clinical, epidemiological and social characteristics of long-lived persons of the Volga region industrial centre
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Malinova L.I., Shuldyakov V.A., Shuvalov S.S., Denisova T.P.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Institute of Cardiology, Russia
Aim: In spite of recent achievements in public health, average lifetime in the Volga region as in whole Russia is rather short. Issues of longevity in the region produce scientific interest by clinical, epidemiological and social characteristics of long-lived persons. Material and methods: In total 167 long-lived persons were examined. Medical, social, psychic, emotional and epidemiological characteristics were assessed. Results: The typical long-lived person of the Volga region was brought out. The high quality of life was revealed. The negative influence of smoking and alcoholism on the longevity was shown. Most of the patients needed communication. Lack of complaints was revealed, patients mentioned only the general weakness. Conclusion: The study has explained new social and demographic features of the Volga region long-livers
Sexual activity in old age
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Chernyshkova Е. V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article deals with the analysis of the principal factors influencing sexual activity of elderly persons. Data of foreign study and sociologic research carried out in Saratov region (2010) were used as the base for the analysis. It was revealed that the primary determinants of sexual activity in old age are the following: state of health, presence or absence of a partner, active lifestyle
Assessment of life quality in patients with dentition defects and periodontal diseases before and after prosthesis and implantation of teeth
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Turusova Е.V., Bulkina N.V., Golomazova Е.А., Meleshina О.V., Ivanova S.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, OOO «Dental-lux»
The aim of the study was to evaluate the quality of life of patients with dentition defects, not substituted by orthopedic constructions, accompanied by periodontal diseases on the basis of comprehensive analysis and to determine the most appropriate method of treatment of this pathology. The study included surveys of patients with dentition defects and periodontal diseases with the help of dental Quality of Life Questionnaire Oral Health Impact Profile-14 (OHIP-14) before and after treatment. Quality of life of patients after implantation of teeth became equivalent to healthy individuals defining the benefits of this treatment before the prosthesis with fixed prosthetic constructions. The use of dental questionnaires of quality of life, such as, OHIP-14 in the treatment of oral diseases helped optimize the approach to the choice of therapy and to predict the advantages of treatment and patient attitude to them
Deontology of a therapeutist: psychological and therapeutic ways of behaviour during dental examination and treatment
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Savina Е.А., Bulkina N.V., Lomakina D.О., Olevskaya О.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov City Clinical Hospital № 2
The aim of the research is to improve interpersonal interactions in the doctor-patient relationship by developing recommendations for a differentiated deontological approach to patients with characteristic personality traits. In conducting in-depth clinical and psychological study (Leonhard questionnaire and clinical interview) characteristic features of patients were identified and allowed to develop recommendations that enhance the interaction in the doctor — patient relationship. Correct deontological approach using our developed recommendations will facilitate understanding of dentist behaviour algorithms by the patient and helps improve interpersonal interactions in the doctor-patient relationship
Periodontitis in HIV patients
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Oseeva А.О., Soboleva L.A., Bulkina N.V., Shuldyakov A. A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article presents the study of formation mechanisms and periodontitis course in patients with subclinical stage of HIV-infection. The examination of 45 patients has enabled the division of patients into three basic groups: patients with periodontitis and HIV-infection; patients with periodontitis; and HIV patients without periodontitis. It has been determined that the patients with periodontitis and subclinical HIV-infection have developed local inflammatory reaction with infection, activation of anti-inflammatory cytokines in parodontal recess fluid. It has been proved that the causative factor of frequent and durable relapses in parodontal pathology with clinical HIV-infection was the development of pathologic process with endotoxicosis syndrome and imbalance of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system
Modern approaches to life quality evaluation in patients with schizophrenia
Heading: Psychiatry Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Zhukova О.А., Krom I.L., Barylnik Yu.B.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Institute of Social Education, Head of Centre of Medical and Social Research
The article deals with the quality of life that is relevant to health as the estimated category condition of the subject in the disease situation. This category characterizes the parameters of all components of the patient's life. The approaches to evaluation of the quality of patients' life in contemporary psychiatric practice are discussed. The results of the original research of the quality of life that is relevant to health in patients with schizophrenia are presented. It is proved that the quality of life and social functioning of patients with schizophrenia are significantly iowerthan in the general population. The index of the quality of life that is defined on the basis of the question list of WHO QOL-100 supplements the disease pattern. It is a multifactor criterion for evaluation of the patient's condition in psychiatric practice
Impact of unemployment and alcoholism on suicidal activity in the Saratov region
Heading: Psychiatry Article type: Original article
Authors: Bachilo Е. V., Barylnik Yu.B.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The research goal is to study the spread of completed and uncompleted suicides in the Saratov region during the period of 2001-2010, and influence of unemployment and alcohol abuse on suicidal behavior of the population in the most unfavourable areas of the region. To conduct the research elaborated questionnaires, describing suicidal and drug situations in the Saratov region during 2001-2010, and the reports of the Ministry of Employment, Labour and Migration in the Saratov region were used. Results: Areas with the highest rate of suicidal activity during 2001-2010 were identified (Balakovo, Engels, Dukhovnitsky, Pugachev, Perelub and Arkadak). In each of these areas correlation between the level of suicide and alcoholism and unemployment levels of the population were established. The research results allowed identifying some predictors of suicidal behavior for the specific area. These predictors will be included in «The Map of the predictors of suicide risk in the Saratov region». It improves assistance in suicidal situations and reduces suicides
Christ — Siemens — Touraine syndrome (ectodermal anhydrone dysplasia)
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Short message
Authors: Kuznetsova М.А., Karalskaya J.J.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article is concerned with observation of a child of 3,5 with hereditary Krista — Seimens — Turena syndrome. The clinical description of the syndrome and modern approaches to treatment have been analyzed
Differential approach to treatment of primary nocturnal enuresis in children
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Nesterenko O.V., Goremykin V.I., Koroleva I.V., Elizarova S.U., Sidorovich O.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The aim of the work is to develop an algorithm of differentiated therapy in children with PNE. 234 children aged 5-15 years were studied. Results of treatment of children with primary nocturnal enuresis using the traditional therapeutic scheme and the algorithm of differential therapy based on identification of individual pathology were analyzed. The best clinical effect (recovery— in 73,1%, improvement— in 19,4% of cases) was obtained in children undergone the complex of recommended measures: psychological consultation, rational and family psychotherapy, medication correction, physical and physiotherapy, alarm-monitoring; the complex was used differentially, i.e. depending on the identified pathology. In conclusion the article stated that individual treatment program with the obligatory inclusion of alarm-control for child with PNE should be selected after performing the recommended set of diagnostic measures
Assessment of auditory processing in children with dyslalia
Heading: Otolaryngology Article type: Original article
Authors: Wlodarczyk £., Szkielkowska A., Ratynska J., Skarzynski P. H., Skarzynski H., Ganc M., Pilka A., Obrycka A.
Organization: Poland, Warsaw, International Center of Hearing and Speech, Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Clinic of Audiology and Phoniatric
The objective of the work was to assess occurrence of central auditory processing disorders in children with dyslalia. Material and method. The material included 30 children at the age 798 years old being under long-term speech therapy care due to articulation disorders. All the children were subjected to the phoniatric and speech examination, including tonal and impedance audiometry, speech therapist's consultation and psychologist's consultation. Electrophysi-ological (N2, P2, N2, P2, P300 record) and following psychoacoustic test of central auditory functions were performed (Frequency Pattern Test). Results. Analysis of the results revealed disorders in the process of sound analysis within frequency and P300 wave latency prolongation in children with dyslalia. Conclusions. Auditory processing disorders may be significant in development of correct articulation in children, they also may explain unsatisfactory results of long-term speech therapy