Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Impact of unemployment and alcoholism on suicidal activity in the Saratov region

Year: 2011, volume 7 Issue: №3 Pages: 673-676
Heading: Psychiatry Article type: Original article
Authors: Bachilo Е. V., Barylnik Yu.B.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The research goal is to study the spread of completed and uncompleted suicides in the Saratov region during the period of 2001-2010, and influence of unemployment and alcohol abuse on suicidal behavior of the population in the most unfavourable areas of the region. To conduct the research elaborated questionnaires, describing suicidal and drug situations in the Saratov region during 2001-2010, and the reports of the Ministry of Employment, Labour and Migration in the Saratov region were used. Results: Areas with the highest rate of suicidal activity during 2001-2010 were identified (Balakovo, Engels, Dukhovnitsky, Pugachev, Perelub and Arkadak). In each of these areas correlation between the level of suicide and alcoholism and unemployment levels of the population were established. The research results allowed identifying some predictors of suicidal behavior for the specific area. These predictors will be included in «The Map of the predictors of suicide risk in the Saratov region». It improves assistance in suicidal situations and reduces suicides

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