Diagnostics Of Renal Hemodynamics Disturbance In Children And Teenagers With Chronic Constipation, Encopresis And Their Correction
Heading: Urology Article type: Original article
Authors: A.L. Malykh
Organization: Ulyanovsk Central Sanitary Clinical Hospital
The article gives the detailed issue of results of complex inspection of 90 children and teenagers aged 4-17 with problems of chronic constipation, incontinence and encopresis. Ultrasonic screening has shown various pathology in the functional condition of arterial renal vessels. The method of biological feedback has been considered as prospective method of treatment excluding medication of bladder and small bowel dysfunction. The efficiency of the method was marked at combination of encopresis and incontinence. The purpose of the present research was the study of renal hemodynamics disturbances and working out methods of their correction. The examination included ultrasonic investigation, electromyography and uroflowmetry. The study of functional condition of anterior abdominal wall muscles and pelvic floor muscles was performed by means of «Miomed - 938». All patients received complex therapy on the basis of which the method of biological feedback was used
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