Anatomic and functional disorders in children with flatfoot
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: Sertakova.A.V., Dokhov M.M., Rubashkin S.A., Timaev M.Kh.
Aim: to analyze anatomic and functional changes in children with flatfoot. Material and Methods. We analyzed foot state in 40 children (34 boys and 6 girls, aged 5-14, mean age: 9.6±2.3 yrs), comparison group consisted of 30 healthy children aged 5-14 (mean age 8.5±2.5 yrs) without foot pathology. Patients were diagnosed on the basis of clinical examination: complaints, functional stress tests, QL questionnaire Oxford Ankle Foot, instrumental methods (X-ray, biomechanical investigation). Results. Right from early age (5 yrs) children start experiencing discomfort in feet in the course of various physical exercises, in our experiment 77% of patients have discomfort complaints. Mean indexes of OAFQ were 30.8±12.5. All children had signs of astragalus erection with respect to calcaneum which stipulates disturbance of longitudinal arch of foot joints and of normal function in talocalcaneal coalition. The disturbance of gait time indexes results in its decreased function. Conclusion. At present the problem of flatfoot in children did not get proper attention. The surgeons should focus on the features of pathology development in children 7-14 yrs applying all modern diagnostic methods.
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