Biomechanical aspects of circular spondylosynthesis of transitional thoracolumbar spine
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: Likhachev S.V., Zaretskov V.V., Arsenievich V.B., Shul'ga A.E., Shchanitsyn I.N., Skripachenko K.K.
Aim: to present the potential of biomechanical modeling in individual choice of optimal surgical correction method for transitional thoracolumbar spine injury. Material and Methods. We built solid-base 3-dimensional model of the investigated spine segment in Mimics13 on the basis of CT data of injured thoracolumbar spine. Cage and anchorage models were created in CAE system SolidWorks. Numeric modeling was performed in ANSYS in Workbench medium. We analyzed full movement fields, their maximum values for each model as well as equivalent stress in vertebra and anchorage systems. Results. The analysis of equivalent stress and full movement fields emerging in the models under seven basic types of load revealed the most stable spondylosynthesis model which is circular spine
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