Dynamics of prevalence of diseases of the digestive system among the population of different age groups in conditions of social stress
Heading: Gerontology and geriatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Tyultyaeva LA, Denisova TP, Lipatova TE, Kovalev EP.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky Research Institute of Cardiology
Objective: to analyze the prevalence of digestive diseases during social stress among the population of different age groups (young, mature, elderly / old). Material and Methods. We studied data from the official statistical reports of the health Committee of the city of Saratov and the logs of incoming and departures / deaths of patients in the surgical and gastroenterology clinics of the city for 1990-2006. Social stress was considered as a factor in the breeding population system from the equilibrium state. Linear regression analysis, odds ratio, and analysis of the speed characteristics of the dynamics of the studied parameters in time were applied. The number of time moments when the sign of the rate of change in the prevalence of the studied parameters changed to the opposite was estimated. Results. The change in the sign of the rate of prevalence of acute pathology of the digestive system was most often observed during the period of maximum severity of social stress, which emphasizes the importance of the social component in the emergence and development of digestive pathology. The increase in the prevalence of diseases of the digestive system in all age groups was revealed. The increase in the prevalence of individual nosological forms, as well as the greatest number of times when the sign of the rate of prevalence of the pathology changed to the opposite, were most often registered among the population of young and elderly / senile age. The population of the mature age was characterized by greater stability of the studied parameters, that is, higher resistance to social stress. Conclusion. The prevalence of diseases of the digestive system during the period of social stress varied among the population of different age groups asynchronously: the most significant changes in the studied parameters were observed among the population of two extreme age groups: young and elderly / old people. These groups of people need closer attention of the doctor than patients of mature age, because they have a higher risk of developing diseases of the digestive system.
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