The structure of the "acute abdomen" in a period of social stress in a large industrial center
Heading: Gerontology and geriatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Lipatova Т.Е., Tyultyaeva L.A., Semenov S.V., Kovalev Е.Р.
Organization: Saratov Regional Hospital for Veterans of Wars, Saratov State Medical University
Purpose: to analyze the prevalence of acute abdominal pathology in the period of social stress. Material and Methods. The data of official statistical reports of the Saratov city health Committee and the logs of patients admitted and discharged / deceased in the surgical clinics of the city were studied. The prevalence of acute appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, acute pancreatitis, acute intestinal obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation of ulcers during 1990-2006 among the population of different age groups (young, mature, elderly /old) was investigated. The significance of differences between the groups was assessed using white's T-test. Results. A decrease in the prevalence of acute appendicitis, an increase in the prevalence of acute pancreatitis and gastrointestinal bleeding. Differences in the prevalence of acute abdominal diseases in patients of different age groups were found: an increase in the prevalence of acute pancreatitis mainly in the young population. There is a tendency to gradual Erasure of sexual differences in acute cholecystitis and acute pancreatitis in this period. Conclusion. The analyzed time interval was characterized by changes in the structure of the "acute abdomen", which may be associated with social changes in society during this period.
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