Professor Valeriy Vladimirovich Shchukovsky (to the 70th anniversary)
Heading: Scientific schools and memorable dates Article type: Short message
Authors: Ulyanov V.Yu., Grishin S.E., Puchinyan D.M., Fedonnikov A.S., Shchukovsky N.V., Norkin I.A.
Organization: Saratov Socio-Economic Institute of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Saratov State Medical University
The article illustrates the life of Professor Valeriy Vladimirovich Shchukovsky and his scientific contribution into the development of separate branches of emergency medicine, namely intensive care of patients with embolism and acute thromboses of large vessels, severe thermal traumas, endotoxemia and multiorgan dysfunction syndrome, traumatic disease of spinal cord and its visceral complications in acute and early periods, reperfusion visceral injuries following its transplantation and patients with coagulopathic hemorrhage.
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5. Emkuzhev OL, Shchukovsky VV, Norkin IA, Ulyanov VYu. The method of anesthetization after total hip replacement in deforming coxarthroses: Pat. RF 2515734, IPC A61M19/00. Applicant and patent holder: Saratov Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics. №2013106533; claimed 13.02.2013, published 20.05.2014, bul. №14
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10. Ulyanov VYu, Bazhanov SP, Shchukovskiy VV. The method of degeneration assessment in the process of nervous tissue remodeling in patients with complicated cervical spine injury: Pat. RF 2484476, IPC G01 N33/53. Applicant and patent holder: Ulyanov Vladimir Yurievich. №2012052294; claimed 16.02.2012; published 10.06.2013, bul. №16
11. Bazhanov SP, Ulyanov VYu, Ostrovsky VV, Shchukovsky VV. The method of local spinal cord hypothermia in complicated traumatic injuries of cervical spine: Pat. RF 2475281, IPC A61M25/00. Applicant and patent holder: Bazhanov Sergey Petrovich. №2012105289; claimed 16.02.2012; published 20.02.2013, bul. №5
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