Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Variability of linear parameters of frontal sinuses in adults

Year: 2018, volume 14 Issue: №2 Pages: 302-305
Heading: Human anatomy Article type: Original article
Authors: Mareev O.V., Aleshkina O.Yu., Mareev G.O., Kuchmin V.N., Afonina O.I., Kapustina N.Yu.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Objective: to identify the variability of frontal sinuses size patterns divided by sex and age in adults. Material and Methods. 83 X-ray computer tomograms of the head of adults without any signs of paranasal sinuses pathology and without traces of surgery on the external structures and internal nose in the history were studied. Results. It has been found the best pneumatized frontal bones in males; the rapid growth of the frontal sinuses occurs more in men in the 1st age group, whereas in women, the formation of the frontal sinus is smoother and more uniform during the whole life. Conclusion. Men have depth prevailing characteristics of frontal sinuses in the 1st age group and the width on the left side in the 2nd age group differing significantly in comparison to women group; height of the sinus in men decreases with age, whereas in women it does not change its value significantly; bilateral values for the parameters of the frontal sinus do not have reliable sex and age differences.

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