The prospects for application of biomarker "vascular endothelial growth factor" in predicting the treatment outcomes of bladder cancer
Heading: Urology Article type: Original article
Authors: Zakharova N.B., Ponukalin A.N., Skriptsova S.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Purpose: assessment of the diagnostic value of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in predicting the outcome treatment of patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Material and Methods. The study involved 264 people: 204 patients with RMP; 60 people aged 21 to 60 years were the comparison group. Patients with RMP are divided into stages of the disease. With non-muscle-invasive ВС (NIRMP) under TA-1NxMo there were 75 patients. Out of 129 patients with muscle-invasive ВС (MIRE) within the body (pT2aN0M0-T2bN0M0) was diagnosed in 69 of people. In 60 patients, the tumor sprouted paravesical tissue and surrounding organs (rt3a-bn0m0-41; pT36N1M0-11; pT4N1M0-5; T4N1M1-3); 19 patients had metastases to the iliac lymph nodes are installed only after the operation. Metastases were found in three patients out of 19 in addition to the lymphonoduses in the lungs. Tumors had the following gradations: G1-97; G2-37; G3-58. All patients NMIN (n=75) completed a TUR of the bladder wall with the tumor. MERE patients underwent radical cystectomy (n=117), open resection of the bladder (n=12), palliative surgery (n=3). The period of follow-up after surgical treatment was 3.5±0.5years. Quantitative determination of VEGF in blood serum was performed by solid-phase ELISA. Results. Despite the fact that the increase in VEGF level of blood serum in groups of patients with NIMRE and MIRE has significant differences both before and in the postoperative period, it is associated with the aggressiveness of tumor growth, development of metastases and recurrences of the disease. Conclusion. The increase in the content of VEGF serum suitable for use as an indicator: the risk of relapse within the first year after TUR in patients NMIN; development of relapses and metastases in pre and postoperative periods in MERE patients.
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